How to put the database path from the start web ?
Hello everyone, i am doing a work about traffic violations and i need to show data from a database with a web interface. I think that i need to do something with the path but Read more…
Hello everyone, i am doing a work about traffic violations and i need to show data from a database with a web interface. I think that i need to do something with the path but Read more…
I am trying to read a CSV file, and after some calculations, write a line to that same file. But it doesn’t work because it can’t write to a file that is already open. Would Read more…
Removed: Rule 4. Dive in and make an attempt. Maybe first try to make a random password with characters regardless of uppercase and lowercase. Then, while not elegant, maybe try using all the characters (both Read more…
How to handle incremental folder upload in Laravel like on google drive? For instance, if Images folder already exist and the user uploads Images folder it would be Images (1). And if the user uploads Read more…
Removed: Rule 2. Have u checked FireBase? They have amazing backend services such as wut u just mentioned FireBase isnt that a service by google? can i generate a phone number to recive sms with Read more…
I’d settle for code completion on service container calls. Which wouldn’t be a problem if people didn’t hilariously insist on using stringly-typed containers for no reason (regular typed methods work fine). If you use PHPStorm Read more…
The Lambda runtime only lets you execute a single request at a time, so you won’t be able to take advantage of the asynchronous nature of modern web requests. Somewhat true; a single lambda container Read more…
Hi! I just decided to study C# and I am a bit lost. The course I’m following is teaching C# using the .NET Framework, is there much of a difference from it to .NET 5.0, Read more…
Does anyone know how to check if a file is already open? Open the file with ReadWrite file access. Catch the IOException. If there’s no exception, it’s not already open. If there’s an exception, it’s Read more…
Bottom-Up Parsing A bottom-up parsing constructs the parse tree for an input string beginning from the bottom (the leaves) and moves to work towards the top (the root). Bottom-up parsing is a parser that reduces Read more…