You probably already know about the importance of having a mobile-friendly website for your business, but what about mobile apps? If your eCommerce business doesn’t have a mobile app yet, then this article will give you seven reasons to create one. By the end of this article, you will learn why not having one can become a missed business opportunity.
Since 2014, global smartphone traffic has increased more than tenfold. According to Statista, over three billion people worldwide use smartphones today. What’s more, the projection predicts that this astonishing number will grow by several hundred million in the coming years.

Mobile commerce is among the many industries that benefit from this trend. In 2019, it contributed 67.2% of eCommerce sales worldwide. Estimators predict that this trend will continue in the following years in which mobile commerce will make up nearly three-quarters of global eCommerce sales.
One of the reasons why mobile commerce took off is customers wanting two ways of performing their transactions — through mobile websites and mobile apps. As most hosting companies like include WordPress hosting in their service these days, it’s getting easier to create a mobile-optimized online store.
Unfortunately, the same doesn’t apply to mobile apps. To this day, not all eCommerce stores fully grasp the potentials of a mobile app for their business. This is a missed opportunity as mobile apps can compensate for the drawbacks of a website and improve a business’s overall performance.
If you need more convincing to create a mobile app, here are seven reasons why your eCommerce business should have one.
Contrary to popular belief, the majority of mobile users prefer to surf the internet via mobile apps instead of mobile websites. US mobile user’s daily browsing time on apps is six times longer than on mobile sites in 2018. Business-wise, 78% of mobile users prefer to access an eCommerce store via a mobile app instead of a mobile website.
Mobile app usability and efficiency are few among the many factors that win customer favor. Apps save customers from having to memorize long URLs and logging into their account multiple times. Additionally, apps load faster and can have better security than mobile sites. What’s not to love?
With mobile apps, it’s easier to give customers a personalized experience based on their interests. You can have the app require users to input their preferences upon downloading. Added to other recorded data like location and browsing behavior, you get to tailor content that appeals to your customers regardless of where they reside or your marketing budget.
Additionally, mobile apps open a better communication channel via push notifications. Instead of bombarding the customers with untargeted advertising, you get to better engage them by notifying them about exclusive deals based on preferences. In short, apps have a higher success rate than websites in marketing your brand.

Mobile app accessibility is far superior to mobile sites. With a tap of a finger, customers can easily access your content and products whenever. Consequently, customers are twice more likely to return within 30 days to your store than those who access it via mobile sites. Thus, you improve customer retention.
Furthermore, mobile apps also help you filter out users with zero interest in your brand. As users need to download the app first, they are likely to do it with purchase intentions in mind. All you need to do is not to waste their trust.
Business conversion rates heavily depend on the sales platform’s usability, accessibility, and efficiency. A conversion is considered successful if customers perform purchase and complete the transaction cycle. The problem is, most customers abort the cycle after encountering any inconvenience during the transaction process.
By fulfilling all the customer needs, mobile apps have a better chance of pushing customers into completing their purchase than mobile sites. In fact, apps have three times higher conversion rates compared to mobile websites. The fact that they also improve your brand’s visibility more than fourfold is another big bonus you shouldn’t take lightly.
Scoring an average rate of 69.57%, cart abandonment is one of eCommerce’s biggest enemies to date. One of the factors that make customers abandon their transaction process is the complicated checkout process. In the US alone, 23% of users find this reason troublesome enough that they choose not to make a purchase.
While there are other factors that affect cart abandonment rates, mobile apps personalized settings can solve the complex checkout process issue. Mobile apps have a 20% cart abandonment rate, which is four times lower on desktop or mobile sites.
With personalized settings and easy navigation that eliminates distractions, customers can complete their transaction without too much hassle.
According to Marketingland’s survey, users are likely to complete purchases via a mobile device if the eCommerce platform has a lower page load time. While both apps and mobile sites connect to servers, apps has less data to transmit due to its simple design and downloaded assets, which results in faster load time.
To further decrease the page load time, apps allow users to customize their preferred content. Consequently, apps can retrieve only the data that cater to a user’s preferences instead of the whole package like websites do.
Another perk of having mobile apps is the software’s engagement with the mobile device’s built-in features. Tools like GPS, camera, and microphone allow you to increase the app’s usability, improve customer engagement, and further simplify navigation.

Additionally, you take advantage of social media integration to ease access to your app. Not only that, but you can also make them part of your marketing strategy to improve brand visibility and curate the content to customer liking. In short, apps are open for collaboration with other features to create a better customer experience.
Mobile apps hold great potential for eCommerce business growth. Aside from compensating a mobile site’s downsides, apps offer great usability, accessibility, and efficiency for higher conversion rates. We hope this article helps you understand the importance of having a mobile app for eCommerce and puts you on the right track to improve your business.
Hi there! I am Founder at androidhive and programming enthusiast. My skills includes Android, iOS, PHP, Ruby on Rails and lot more. If you have any idea that you would want me to develop? Let’s talk: [email protected]
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