The Nokia 9 PureView was launched in 2019 with a rare five-camera system. | Photo by Becca Farsace / The Verge

HMD Global is not only reneging on its promise to bring Android 11 to the Nokia 9 PureView, but it is also dangling a discount for a new phone at customers who just found out their current devices are no longer supported.

These are customers who paid between $599 and $699 for the premium Nokia 9 PureView back in 2019 after it made quite a splash with its quintuple rear camera array at World Mobile Congress that year. At the time, Nokia was even known as the best phone brand for receiving fast software updates, according to Counterpoint Research, so customers understandably might have felt they could trust Nokia and HMD Global.

As one of the devices in the Android One program, the Nokia 9 PureView runs a near-stock version of Android 9…

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