I’ve been studying C# for quite some time now and i would like to find youtubers with C# content.
With Content in C# in fields like: Tutorials, Game Dev vlogs in C# or Unity with C#.Actually anything related to C# would be good enough. I liked Brackeys but he unfortunately stopped, any other channels worth watching?
ScottHanselman.Invoke(); đ
Unless brackey has removed his older content you can still use it to help you. Theres also other youtubers like IamTimCorey for regular c# stuff to learn from as well. Also check out Udemy courses, theres tons of Unity Game Dev stuff there for cheap.
Just a quick word of advice. You can learn programming however you wish. That being said, I really do suggest you to learn basic c# stuff for around a month or so first before touching unity or game dev stuff. It’s a common “trap” many fall into and it sets you up for a high chance of failure from quitting out of frustration.
Recently found IamTimCorey myself and his explanations are fantastic. I’m thinking about buying one of his courses… They’re quite expensive though.
Brackeys hasnt deleted his content and i as far as i know he doesnt plan on doing so.
I have my own sources of learning C#(College, forums and other websites).I just want youtuber channels with C# so i can get as much interaction as i can with C#. For example the channel Sebastian Lague has very interesting content. Combining mathematics with C# and Unity. Its really intriguing and it really attracts your attention and personally it motivates me to become a better programmer. Thats the why im looking for good channels.
Also check out the C# Inn Discord — it is beginner focused with a mentoring system, videos, and peer-reviewed homework.
IamTimCorey has a lot of videos out there and they are very well done. Takes it slow and explains everything.
C# devs
null reference exceptions