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While you can technically run in almost any shoes, real runners know that only proper running shoes will allow you the most comfortable and efficient ride. Few brands make shoes that do both better than Hoka. Lucky for you, we found a great pair of Hoka running shoes on sale at Zappos, and these shoes may just result in your personal best mile time ever.

The Hoka Rincon 4 Running Shoes are on sale for only $90, which is an impressive 28% off the regular price of $125. These shoes make us smile, and we think they’ll do the same for you.

Hoka Rincon 4 Running Shoes, $90 (was $125) at Zappos

Courtesy of Zappos

Those who like their running shoes to strike a nice balance between usability and style will find plenty to like about this pair. With a soft and lightweight cushioned sole, the Rincon 4 offers maximum comfort and support without sacrificing speed. The durable rubber outsole is great for almost any flat surface, even in damp conditions.

The thin canvas upper and rounded toe box give the wearer a spacious yet cozy feel with just the right amount of heel lock. The shoes are available in a number of different sizes and 10 fun colorways, though price may vary depending on size and color.

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Zappos customers were very happy with these shoes. One claimed “there is nothing more comfortable than Hokas,” before adding that they were pleased with the “great price” of the Rincon 4.

Another shopper touted the shoe’s “smooth, easy ride,” and said it was the “perfect shoe for easy training runs and some flat road work. Lightweight and the sizing is true to size. Good to have one of my old favorites back.”

The Hoka Rincon 4 Running Shoes are amazing for serious runners and casual jaunters alike. If you buy them now, you’ll only pay $90, which means you can run away with an amazing deal before everyone else finds out about it.