Carnival Cruise Line Brand Ambassador John Heald has started doing a three-minute video update most days on social media.

And, while he has done videos in the past, his latest attempt is a relatively short offering chock full of news. It’s Heald being Heald, but while the trademark humor is there, the effort to get things done in 3 minutes has kept some of his sillier instincts in check.

In this edition, Heald offers an update on his cruise line’s VIFP loyalty program and shares details on some new steaks added to one of its menus among many other pieces of news.

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Carnival shares non-answer to key question


It’s time for today’s three-minute update. I hope you’ve been enjoying these. So from me and Tony Soprano behind, I had James Gandolfini sign that.

Look, anyway, it doesn’t matter. Forget about it. Forget about it.

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Could I sound more English? Forget about it. Anyway, here’s your three-minute, under-three-minute update. First of all, the loyalty program.

I get asked this every day. When will we know? When will we know, John? When will we know? I promise that we will tell you as soon as we can about the new loyalty program. I don’t have any news.

I don’t have a definitive date. I do promise the Beards will tell you all, as will I, as soon as everything is finalized. I don’t know when that is.

So when you do ask me, and I say that, and 20, 30 people ask me every day, please know that that’s the answer I’m going to be giving you. But as soon as we have news, we will share it, of course, and we will be very excited to do so.

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Carnival steakhouse expands menu; Shares news on sloths

The second thing I want to mention quickly is meat, because for those who love steak, you’d be interested to know that on Carnival Magic and on Carnival Splendor, we’re trying two new steaks in the steak houses in the Fahrenheit 555, the brilliant Porterhouse, my personal favourite, and then something called the Tomahawk Steak, which is for two people.

And well, from what I hear, it’s so many people are ordering this from the steakhouse. I don’t have a rollout schedule. I’ll let you know more as soon as I can.

But they look delicious. They sound delicious. And if anybody’s tried them, please write to me and let me know.

Now, somebody wants to ask what it must be like to have Rumpy Pumpy with John Heald. Well, I can tell you, it’s like being with a wild animal. Unfortunately, that wild animal is a sloth.

And talking of which, I’m here to correct another one of those cruise news blog, Facebook, Hive, Thing, Fever, Radio, Street. All those wonderful people do such a great job. Not saying it was one of those, but somebody posted on a news page site yesterday that Carnival Cruise Line has announced a ban on the hugging, the touching, the holding, the caressing of sloths, parrots, and monkeys.

Well, that is correct, but that has not come from us. It has come from the Honduran government. They are going to be very strict about this, and they will not allow, if you’re going to Mahogany Bay, Roatan, you’re not allowed to touch or hug any of those three animals, parrots, sloths, and monkeys.

You’ll still get really up close and personal to the animals, so I encourage you to please still take that excursion. They’re fabulous. If you have any further questions, or you want to think about doing something instead, then please go to the shore excursion.

Team Orange will be there. That desk on every ship has a wonderful group of people who will take you through some of the options, but I still encourage you to do these excursions. They are fabulous, but this is a rule for all cruise ship guests, hotel guests, anywhere they do not want people hugging, touching, caressing, or trying to take home a sloth.

If you need a sloth, I’ve gone 30 seconds over. That’s your 33 minute and 35 second update. Have a brilliant day.

Take good care of yourselves and of each other.

(The Arena Group will earn a commission if you book a cruise.)

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