I just started to do a small project with PHP 8. (Nothing professional, just wanted to reinvent some wheels and play with some language features.)
But currently I’m more or less without tool support. Until now I used VSCode with the Intelephense extension. But with PHP 8 it makes more trouble, as it marks positional arguments as wrong syntax, and stuff.

Which tools can you recommend for PHP 8?
I’m not only looking for editor extensions (or even new editors), but also for stuff like code analysis. (Until now I used phpcs and phpstan most of the time; but maybe there are some new/better alternatives?)
I’m currently developing on a windows machine (with installed php 7.4 and 8), but the code is running in a docker environment.
PHPStorm is the industry tool of choice for professional PHP developers.
It has powerful inbuilt static code analysis but is also heavily extensible to integrate directly with other tools like psalm and php_codesniffer.
If you’re a polyglot with $$ then you should consider IDEA Ultimate.
You get one IDE that has license access to installing extensions that provide the same features as language specific IDEs.
However, if you’re a polyglot with $$$, then the Ultimate Pack is probably best since multiple IDEs can be less cluttered.
PHPStorm handles PHP8 nicely, and it integrates with psalm and phpstan. Downside is it’s not free, though you can get free EAP releases (meaning reinstalling it every month or so). But I imagine Intelephense is likely to catch up soon.
Only other contender for PHP IDEs that I know of is Netbeans, but I doubt it’s up to date with PHP 8 either (turns out it is). Plus it’s Netbeans.
And when paying the subscription you get a lifetime license to the trailing 1 year old version even if you cancel.
It’s not free, but it’s really not that expensive per month if you intend on using it a lot.
It does support PHP 8
I would highly doubt if Netbeans would even know that Apache 2.4 exists…
I think Intelephense has support for some (if not all) PHP 8 features. Pair it with VSCode and you’re all set.
Of course, it also doesn’t hurt to shell out some $12 for the author. As far as I used it, the extension is very competent.
I also recommend PHPStorm — or any JetBrains IDE to be honest, they’re all very solid — because as far as I’m aware it’s packed with a lot of features out of the box, so if you dislike or don’t have much time to setup a code editor with some extensions, it’s the right pick.
Not yet but it’s coming soon. I believe most of the bigger php8 features come in the 1.6 milestone https://github.com/bmewburn/vscode-intelephense/milestone/26
but also for stuff like code analysis.
PHPStorm. For static analysis, I would strongly recommend psalm on level 1; there is also LSP support so if you are into advanced stuff like generics, it is almost irreplaceable.

PS: LSP plugin will throw exceptions all the time but somehow keeps working. Just ignore the blinking red icon at bottom-right.
Apache Netbeans is the best free PHP IDE. It’s regularly updated when there’s a new PHP version.
