Posted by Manuel Vicente Vivo, Developer Relations Engineer
Now that our MAD Skills series on Architecture is complete, let’s do a quick wrap up of all the things we’ve covered in each episode!
Episode 1 — The data layer
Learn about the data layer and its two basic components: repositories and data sources. We’ll also cover data immutability, error handling, threading, testing and more tricks and recommendations with Jose Alcérreca.
Episode 2 — The UI layer
Learn about the UI layer and its state. Tunji Dahunsi covers UI state representation, production and consumption all within the context of a unidirectional data flow app!
Episode 3 — Handling UI events
Learn all about UI events. I—Manuel Vivo—cover the different types of UI events, the best practices for handling them, and more!
Episode 4 — The domain layer
The Domain layer is an optional layer which sits between the UI and Data layers. Don Turner explains how the domain layer can simplify your app architecture, making it easier to understand and test.
Episode 5 — Organizing modules
Emily Kager shares a tip around organizing modules in Android apps.
Episode 6 — Entities
Garima Jain shares a tip about creating separate data models based on various Architecture layers in your project.
Tunji Dahunsi, Miłosz Moczkowski, Yigit Boyar, and I hung out together in a live Q&A session to answer all the questions you had!