Hello everyone!
This is a monthly thread for sharing and discussing side-projects created by r/csharp‘s community.

Feel free to create standalone threads for your side-projects if you so desire. This thread’s goal is simply to spark discussion within our community that otherwise would not exist.
Previous threads here. have been learning more about 3d game graphics and decided to try and make a sort of minecraft remake (hasnt really got anything minecraft-like in it… apart from movement, a 3d cube and a broken AABB collision system)
link if you wanna have a look

I am self taught and started out programming with .net framework & winforms. Reason behind that is, that our company is a partner of a pretty dated crm system developer, whuch is using winforms. My job is it, to write individual plugins for said crm system.

But man, that shit is old.
After this year, I will be fairly familiar with blazor and commit fully to web development with focus on databases.

Not the kind of ‘project’ others write here, still, there’s my goal.
Source Generator example for a compressed bitemporal in memory cache from a schema file.
