WebService enum not returning correct value
Hello, I’ve got a web service that has values in enums like so, its generated automatically: and I have a method that takes in string values to select the correct enum value like so: and Read more…
Hello, I’ve got a web service that has values in enums like so, its generated automatically: and I have a method that takes in string values to select the correct enum value like so: and Read more…
I guess this has more to do with method extensions the switch? Or am i wrong? It’s cool thou. C# devs null reference exceptions source
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If I have a method like public static IBook create(IDBRepository repository) { } How do I create an instance of IBook? You don’t create instances of interfaces per se. Think of an interface as a Read more…
For my sins, I had a hand in what filters on PHP streams (file I/O resources) looked like in PHP 4 days, and I’ve regretted how they turned out ever since. This evening, I’m about Read more…
Hey guys i just published my new web project and i want you guys to give it a try. Please notify me if any error or bugs come up while using the application!. Thanks for Read more…
Star Pattern Programs in Java The star pattern programs in Java is the part of pattern programs in Java, which we discussed earlier. Filename: StarPatternExample.java Output: Filename: StarPatternExample2.java Output: Filename: StarPatternExample3.java Output: Filename: StarPatternExample4.java Output: Read more…
Do you use it to host entire sites? Just for one-off processes? As a queue worker? Dispatching web push notifications and Discord webhooks. When we publish news to our site, we need to push about Read more…
Super cool! Awesome job! C# devs null reference exceptions source
❥ Sponsor First, quickly: AWS Amplify has a new Admin UI. Amplify always had a CLI that helps you build projects by setting up stuff like auth, storage, and APIs. That’s super useful, but now, Read more…