PHP 8.0 ARM missing JIT?
Hi I installed php 8.0 onto my raspberry pi that has Ubuntu 20.04 installed along with ondrej/php repository so I could install php 8. However what I have noticed that when I try to get Read more…
Hi I installed php 8.0 onto my raspberry pi that has Ubuntu 20.04 installed along with ondrej/php repository so I could install php 8. However what I have noticed that when I try to get Read more…
Love FluentValidators but one feature I believe is missing. A lot of time my validations requires some lookup in a database or conversion from string “SALE” => OprationTypeEnum.Sale. Is it possible to carry additional “context” Read more…
Learn Development at Frontend Masters We made one! It’s open source if you want to make it better or fix things. There are quite a few purpose-built fonts for writing code. The point of this Read more…
JDaniels In this episode of the Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast, Simon Quicke joins Caroline Donnelly, Clare McDonald and Brian McKenna to discuss how the IT channel has fared in the pandemic, how datacentres have Read more…
denisismagilov – Nominet, the UK’s domain name registrar, suspended a total of 22,158 .uk internet domains for criminal activity in the 12 months from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020, down almost 7,000 Read more… I found this in the sidebar. I started taking the courses. About 1/2 of the way through the course he references files you should have downloaded, that are no longer hosted. Does anyone know Read more…
diego cervo – The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the contact centre market has been dramatic. According to Leigh Hopwood, chief executive of the Call Centre Management Association (CCMA), many of its members Read more…
How does your DbTicket class look? Added the class; thank you. C# devs null reference exceptions source
We use the binaryformatter often as an easy way to clone objects. Is that still allowed? Because it’s fast and always works, with enheritance/polymorphism. C# devs null reference exceptions source
Sergey Tarasov – The Gaia-X project has become a lot more serious. What started about a year ago as a Franco-German undertaking has mushroomed to take in 181 members from 18 countries and, interestingly, Read more…