How to add contacts to Gmail?
How to add contacts to Gmail? Managing your inbox is a tiresome task, but one way to make it effortless and easier is to gain an add on the benefit of Gmail’s Contacts features. Unlike Read more…
How to add contacts to Gmail? Managing your inbox is a tiresome task, but one way to make it effortless and easier is to gain an add on the benefit of Gmail’s Contacts features. Unlike Read more…
Subscribe to a hand-picked round-up of the best iOS development links every week. Curated by Dave Verwer and published every Friday. Free. No spam, ever. We’ll never share your email address and you can opt Read more…
Welcome to Early Access PyCharm, a brand-new podcast that goes behind the scenes of how the PyCharm IDE is made and all the thinking that goes into it. In the upcoming episodes, you will hear Read more…
Firstly, don’t get people on the Internet to do your home work. Secondly, your else statement has no braces so you will always execute the last line which could lead to bugs. Here it won’t Read more…
Want to learn about producing technical videos on YouTube and gaining an audience? Nelson Jamal, who has experience with both, joins us to take a deep look at his soon-to-be-released PyCharm tutorial on YouTube: planning, Read more…
If each time I call frames() the current bracktrace is resolved via a call to debug_backtrace(), then this class does not represent a backtrace but rather a “backtrace resolver”. The debug_backtrace is one of those Read more…
I saw that so many devs are STOKED about asp net core how does it compare to django, laravel, rails? e.g. does it come with – e.g. is this included OUT OF THE BOX: Read more…
I have created a custom ActionFilter that goes like the following: public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context){ SomeMethod().Wait(); } SomeMethod contains a awaitable call and therefore my only solution so far was to put the ‘.Wait()’ Read more…
So I am entirely self taught. I have been trying to become better at c# for years while working an unrelated job and progress has been very difficult. Genuinely, at least once a week I Read more…
Here’s the image to my project structure. This is in Rider IDE What I’ve noticed is that code seems to work under Assignment. However, I cannot add folders in it. I would like separate folders Read more…