Dunno where to start
Hi! Finally I decided to start learning c#. The final goal is to create my own game (with unity), and I’d like to know all the stuff necessary to achieve this dream. I wanna be Read more…
Hi! Finally I decided to start learning c#. The final goal is to create my own game (with unity), and I’d like to know all the stuff necessary to achieve this dream. I wanna be Read more…
I try to build a discord bot from the example page. But I got a problem. You find the code here: https://pastebin.com/H5puPBie (Token in there is invalid) On line 58 and the following it says Read more…
Hello, I was testing the new .Net 5 framework and the new C# 9 and by coincidence I came across the following situation: If I run the following code I get and InvalidCastException with the Read more…
Not even clear what it is supposed to do to be honest. A keystore for apps? Like you write an app, get an ID for the install and then it can use Appwrite as a Read more…
A lightweight, framework-agnostic jQuery progress plugin that makes it easier to set, get, and update percentage values in a progress bar component. Demo Download source
Combinational Logic Circuit In digital system, Logic circuits generally fall into two categories. Combinational circuit: – At any instant of time, the output of the logic circuit depends on the inputs of the present combination Read more…
Hi everyone, Is there a way to add “middleware” to log4net that would apply regex logic toward MASKING sensitive data; names, dob, etc. ? You could probably write your own appender that wrapped an existing Read more…
Advantages of DBMS A Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of programs which lets the end-users to manage and control the database. Database systems use query language for accessing, storing, and maintaining the data Read more…
I feel like I’m kind of having a brain fart, and that there must be a cleaner way to do this, but… I want a method to apply damage to a stat, but if the Read more…
Serg Nvns – Fotolia Cloud technologies have played a vital role in businesses across all sectors during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Without them, firms would have struggled to enable their teams to work remotely and Read more…