Not Outputting result on a random seed generator
I’m working on my own little game where I need a seed generator. I got the random part down and when I have if statements to find exactly one of the input numbers it decides Read more…
I’m working on my own little game where I need a seed generator. I got the random part down and when I have if statements to find exactly one of the input numbers it decides Read more…
In Web Application Development, we must have a robust technology to provide strength to our Web application. Node.js and Django both are pretty commanding technologies that help us to create versatile mobile and web applications Read more…
Delphotostock – Fotolia The ongoing soap opera from the UK government aside, the post-Brexit transition conditions for datacentre operators remain in dire need of clarification if businesses are to prepare in time for 1 January Read more…
In this video from Computer Weekly’s annual diversity and inclusion in tech event, in partnership with Spinks, Rachel Morgan-Trimmer, neurodiversity coach and consultant, talks about neurodiversity. Morgan-Trimmer delivers a workshop about neurodiverse conditions such as Read more…
No matter how much does it cost, avoid it like the plague. You’d have to pay tenfold resolving the consequences. The quality of a typical service offered by such workforce outsourcing companies can be clearly Read more…
Gajus – Fotolia Startup accelerator Wayra has partnered with the UK government to identify and support technology scaleups from a number of Latin American countries looking to expand their operations into the UK. The initial Read more…
== double-equals to test equality. Thank you for saving me from my own stupidity Also, a note for the future, pay more attention to error messages. The ones you see imply a conversion error, and Read more…
Maksim Kabakou – Fotolia The terms SIEM (system information and event management) and SOAR (security orchestration, automation and response) are often used interchangeably. However, they are distinctly different applications and, far from being mutually exclusive, Read more…
Streams are one of the elemental concepts that are introduced to power the applications based on Node.js. These are the method used to handle the data and to read or write input into output consecutively. Read more…
On Rob Miles’s Yellow Book website, he includes a link to download the full University of Hull course, including lectures, labs, and two large projects (ACWs). I can’t seem to find sample solutions to labs Read more…