Looking for a Buddy to learn.
Hi! I know it sounds dumb, but i search for a nice programmer, who can help me learn c# better like discord calls or something. He/She should be german because i’m german too. I’m very Read more…
Hi! I know it sounds dumb, but i search for a nice programmer, who can help me learn c# better like discord calls or something. He/She should be german because i’m german too. I’m very Read more…
Edit: I’m an idiot (thankfully). I was trying to run the VM’s Step() function from a thread while also supplying input to it’s stream outside the thread. Funkiness ensued. I unthreaded it and handled input Read more…
Version 3.0.1 was released. Formerly known as RESTEasy. The name was changed because the library is now part of WebFiori framework. https://github.com/WebFiori/http/releases/tag/v3.0.1 How to use it: https://webfiori.com/learn/web-services You are welcome to post your opinion about Read more…
I’ve been looking and trying to figure out how to use MemoryCache (Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory). From what I read the MemoryCache checks for expired items when you access them (Sliding and Absolute expiration). But does it also Read more…
So basically I have a console app on which I’m executing a c++ opengl context through a wrapper. The context needs to be updated continuously so it updates inside a while loop. Everything works great Read more…
Motivation I am trying to create my own Math library in C# (NET Core 3.1) which of course includes vectors. The main purpose for this is that the Matrix structs in the System.Numerics namespace are Read more…
Daniel – stock.adobe.com The UK government should introduce a compulsory “news bargaining code” to force digital platforms to pay news publishers for the right to use their content, says the House of Lords Communications and Read more…
mtkang – stock.adobe.com The UK-wide Covid-19 lockdown in March did not stop challenger bank Allica from launching new services, as the bank’s CIO, Simon Bateman, explains: “When Boris [Johnson] said we had to work from Read more…
So, this is my code: I would like to know the reason why, my progress bar keeps updating even after the ‘foreach’ loop has finished. Basically, I’ve got a long .json file (200k non-prettified lines) Read more…
Hey guys, quick question. I currently work as an IT support analyst at an energy company for a little over 18 months (mainly dealing with desktop support, azure, office 365, automation with Powershell and networking), Read more…