Hello everyone! Its been awhile, hope everyone had a good new years eve. Lets get to the point:
This is a discord server filled with people learning C# and also C# devs. Everyone is welcome no matter what skill lvl, everything on the server is free.
We are currently around 300 people (ofc most are inactive). We have:
-Open source projects such as our own discord bot that users can use in order to create a project with others
-Private projects
-Weekly meetings (as of now we are doing exercism.io)
-Challenges with deadlines
-A place where everyone is welcome no matter what
This is a place for serious people that are interested in either learning C# or helping others learn. I am sharing this because everyone deserves to be a part of a community like this. Learning to code is for everyone, the same goes for learning to write good code.
edit: Changed the link since it was only for 100 people. Love to see all the new faces!
Heres the discord link (Dont be shy!): https://discord.gg/wFbzQc2
Sweet!!! i have had to learn a lot of this stuff on my own. happy to shorten the path for anyone i can!
Appreciate the help and your commitment! Thank you so much.
Discord invite appears to be expired.
Link has been updated, hope we will see you soon
Hey! i’d like to join but the link has expired
Links been updated
I will defo join. Do you guys take comp science students?
There are a couple of them, everyone is welcome!
Welcome! Did you get a role?
The link is dead. Can i join?
Ofc, its been updated now
Sorry if I say something stupid. But I click on it and it shows that the link has expired. Why does it show me this?
Its because i have set the link to only allow 100 people to join order to prevent the discord server from flooding since we want to be in touch with as many as we can and keep that communication, the post has been updated with a new link so your welcome to join!
can you refresh the invite link ?
How many C# Discord servers do we need?
As many as required! The people in this server are really special, trust me. Its not just “another” server