Getters and Setters
I’m still learning, so please excuse if this is a dumb question.If I have a class called SimpleVec2, which is a simplified Vector2 with just x and y, and basic methods,and… In a different class, Read more…
I’m still learning, so please excuse if this is a dumb question.If I have a class called SimpleVec2, which is a simplified Vector2 with just x and y, and basic methods,and… In a different class, Read more…
Try flipping your if and your for loop. Do a for loop first so you can iterate each word one at a time. That is, it’ll loop for “home”, “programming”, “victor”, and so on. Then Read more…
Is there a way to get the value of the data bound property while in ConvertBack() of IValueconverter class? What I’d like to achieve is updating a property in my code behind according to a Read more…
This is an attempt to demonstrate how CSS Grid Layout makes it possible to make a calendar with only three lines of CSS. While many would argue that a calendar should be built semantically using Read more…
So I would like to enhance my ability in web technologies from html/css to javascript and php. I have two questrions: What is the role of PHP in a website? Is it just used to Read more…
I’m definitely not the first person to think of this, but I like it in a cheating kind of way. Is the typeof(subtract) == typeof(const_true) comparison optimized away by the compiler? If not, I can Read more…
Given a list containing future price predictions of two different stocks for the next n-days, find the maximum profit that can be earned by selling the stocks with a constraint that the second stock can Read more…
Given a sorted integer array, find the k closest elements to x in the array where k and x are given positive integers. The integer x may or may not be present in the input Read more…
So I cast the int number 250 to a char, and initially was confused why the corresponding ASCII didn’t appear when I did printed it, but then realised it seemed to be using UTF instead? Read more…
Suppose you are given n red and n blue water jugs, all of different shapes and sizes. All red jugs hold different amounts of water, as do the blue ones. Moreover, there is a blue Read more…