
WebSockets For plugins

Hello folks. As we explain in the last post about the cross-browser plugins, today we will continue by interacting between the browser and the plugin. For example like send actions, receive response, receive results, etc.. Read more…

By hadi, ago

RestApi Generator

Hello folks. Hope you all are well. I am introducing something fancy here 🙂 Imagine you have a JSON object or array, and you need to create classes and the controller in web api for Read more…

By hadi, ago


Hello everyone and welcome back to fancy hints. Today, let’s store some data in web SQL, yes SQL in the web. We will be using a local method to cache data from the users client Read more…

By hadi, ago

Tween Animation

Hello amigos 🙂 Today, I will introduce a library which will help you implement animation within your android applications. It can be used for animating views upon their entering or exiting from an activity. Moreover, Read more…

By hadi, ago

Render SVG in HTML

Hey guys. As many of you know, SVG icons have become more popular than PNG or JPG icons due to their high resolution and the ability to customize and animate them. Users aren’t advised to Read more…

By hadi, ago