★ Spatie’s Black Friday sales have begun
We made a fun intro video to celebrate our Black Friday sales.
TLDR: All Spatie products are discounted 30% for a week, Mailcoach is discounted 50% only today.
We made a fun intro video to celebrate our Black Friday sales.
TLDR: All Spatie products are discounted 30% for a week, Mailcoach is discounted 50% only today.
I love Twitter and I will be there until the ship goes down. Unfortunately, there are some strong signals that it may go away for a while or even permanently. I surely hope it doesn't come to that.
Through years of curating people to follow, I've built a very nice, positive group of people I admire and get inspired by. If Twitter goes down, I want to stay following these people (in a non-creepy way, rest assured). That's why I've already created a Mastadon account, and am looking around for the positive Laravel and PHP vibes there.
PHP 8.2 will be released on 8th December 2022, and is a minor release compared to 8.0 and 8.1. This can be partly attributed to the departure of Nikita Popov as one of the most significant contributors to the PHP language. The PHP language has a lot of maintainers and isn't built by one person, but Nikita was one of the most active of them. Features like union types, typed properties, named arguments, and arrow functions, to name a few, were all added by Nikita.
With Workerless you can configure the maximum concurrency across multiple queues and control the queue prioritization on AWS. This tool and beautiful website was created by Mohamed Said. Read more
Give your brain the boredom and output time it needs to figure out what to do with that information. Don’t keep opening the jar and packing more into it. Read more
A post outlining how you can use generators, and LazyCollections, to create better interfaces for paginating APIs. Read more
Let’s review their similarities and differences, and determine when to use which. Read more