★ Using Laravel Vite to automatically refresh your browser when changing a Blade file


Yesterday, the Laravel team released the vite-plugin. Going forward, Vite will become the standard build tool for Laravel apps.

One of the cool features of this Vite integration is that you'll get hot reloading by default. Whenever you run Vite with nom dev and modify a JS or CSS file, Vite will automatically recompile the assets and refresh your browser. This way, you won't have to refresh your browser manually after making a change.

Wouldn't it be cool if this automatic refresh would work when we're changing a Blade file?


By , ago

★ Making Vite and Valet play nice together


Yesterday, the Laravel team launched the official vite-plugin. From now on, Vite will be the standard build tool for Laravel. The main benefits are vastly improved build times and a more straightforward API. Want to know more about it? Head over to the official docs. There's also a migration guide to go from Mix to Vite.

When I followed that guide to upgrade the codebase from Mix to Vite , npm dev could successfully start-up Vite, but in the browser the JS / CSS did not load. Let's review how I could fix that.


By , ago

★ Using the `Attachable` interface to attach any kind of file to a Mail in a Laravel app


Laravel 9 has gained a excellent new way to attach files in mails. Using the Attachable interface, you can specify what should happen when an object gets used as an attachment.

Using our media library package you can easily associate any file with an Eloquent model. We've added support for Laravel's Attachable in the latest version of the package.

In this blog post, I'd like to tell you all about it.


By , ago

Highlighting code using Sidecar & Shiki

Shiki is a beautiful syntax highlighter powered by the same language engine that many code editors use. We’ve just released a package that allows you to run Shiki on AWS Lambda through Sidecar. Read more

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