★ Avoid describing your data multiple times in a Laravel app using laravel-data


In the vast majority of applications you work with data structures. Sometimes that data is described multiple times. Think for instance of a form request that tries to validate a blog post model, and an API transformer class for that same blog post model. Changes are that both classes describe the same properties.

Using our new laravel-data package, those structures only need to be described once.

Instead of form requests, you can use a data object. Instead of API transformers, you can use a data object. Instead of manually writing typescript definitions, you can use... 🥁 a data object

In this blog post, I'll guide you through the most important functionalities of the package and how to use them.

Getting started

First, you should install the package.

We're going to create a blog with different posts so let's get started with the PostData object. A post has a title, some content, a status and a date when it was published:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $title,
public string $content,
public PostStatus $status,
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

The only requirement for using the package is extending your data objects from the base Data object. We add the requirements for a post as public properties.

The PostStatus is an enum using the spatie/enum package:

* @method static self draft()
* @method static self published()
* @method static self archived()
class PostStatus extends Enum


We store this PostData object as app/Data/PostData.php, so we have all our data objects bundled in one directory. Of course, you're free to store them wherever you want within your application.

We can now create this a PostData object just like any plain PHP object:

$post = new PostData(
'Hello laravel-data',
'This is an introduction post for the new package',

The package also allows you to create these data objects from any type, for example, an array:

$post = PostData::from([
'title' => 'Hello laravel-data',
'content' => 'This is an introduction post for the new package',
'status' => PostStatus::published(),
'published_at' => CarbonImmutable::now(),

Using requests and casts

Now let's say we have request with these properties. Our controller would then look like

public function __invoke(Request $request)
$post = PostData::from([
'title' => $request->input('title'),
'content' => $request->input('content'),
'status' => PostStatus::from($request->input('status')),
'published_at' => CarbonImmutable::createFromFormat(DATE_ATOM, $request->input('published_at')),

That's a lot of code just to fill a data object. It would be a lot nicer if we could do this:

public function __invoke(Request $request)
$post = PostData::from($request);

But this throws the following exception:

TypeError: AppDataPostData::__construct(): Argument #3 ($status) must be of type AppEnumsPostStatus, string given

That's because the status property expects a PostStatus enum object, but it gets a string. We can fix this by implementing a cast for enums:

class PostStatusCast implements Cast
public function cast(DataProperty $property, mixed $value): PostStatus
return PostStatus::from($value);

And tell the package always to use this cast when trying to create a PostData object:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $title,
public string $content,
public PostStatus $status,
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

Using global casts

Let's send the following payload to the controller:

"title" : "Hello laravel-data",
"content" : "This is an introduction post for the new package",
"status" : "published",
"published_at" : "2021-09-24T13:31:20+00:00"

We get the PostData object populated with the values in the JSON payload, neat! But how did the package convert the published_at string into a CarbonImmutable object?

It is possible to define global casts within the data.php config file. These casts will be used on data objects if no other casts can be found.

By default, the global casts list looks like this:

'casts' => [
DateTimeInterface::class => SpatieLaravelDataCastsDateTimeInterfaceCast::class,

This means that if a class property is of type DateTime, Carbon, CarbonImmutable, ... it will be automatically converted.

You can read more about casting here.

Validation using form requests

Since we're working with requests, wouldn't it be cool to validate the data coming in from the request using the data object? Typically, you would create a request with a validator like this:

class PostDataRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return false;

public function rules()
return [
'title' => ['required', 'string', 'max:200'],
'content' => ['required', 'string'],
'status' => ['required', 'string', 'in:draft,published,archived'],
'published_at' => ['nullable', 'date']

Thanks to PHP 8.0 attributes, we can completely omit this PostDataRequest and use the data object instead:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
#[Required, StringType, Max(200)]
public string $title,
#[Required, StringType]
public string $content,
#[Required, StringType, In(['draft', 'published', 'archived'])]
public PostStatus $status,
#[Nullable, Date]
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

You can now inject the data object into your application, just like a Laravel form request:

public function __invoke(PostData $data)
dd($data); // a filled in data object

When the given data is invalid, a user will be redirected back with the validation errors in the error bag. If a validation occurs when making a JSON request, a 422 response will be returned with the validation errors.

Because our data object is so well-typed, we can even drop some validation rules since they can be automatically deduced:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $title,
public string $content,
#[StringType, In(['draft', 'published', 'archived'])]
public PostStatus $status,
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

There's still much more you can do with validating data objects. Read more about it here.

Using a data object to get the request data from anywhere

Typically, you would use a controller to get the request data, and pass it to objects that need that data.

There's also another pragmatic way to get to the request data: you can resolve a data object from the container:


The returned PostData instance will be filled with data from the request. If for some reason the request data could not be mapped upon the data object (maybe validation failed), than the package will throw a IlluminateValidationValidationException.

In most cases, you won't need this, but it's cool that you can.

Working with Eloquent models

In our application, we have a Post Eloquent model:

class Post extends Model
protected $fillable = '*';

protected $casts = [
'status' => PostStatus::class

protected $dates = [

Thanks to the casts we added earlier, this can be quickly transformed into a PostData object:


Customizing the creation of a data object

It is even possible to manually define how such a model is mapped onto a data object. To demonstrate that, we will take a completely different example that shows the strength of the from method.

What if we would like to support to create posts via an email syntax like this:


Creating a PostData object would then look like this:

PostData::from('Hello laravel-data|draft|This is an introduction post for the new package');

To make this work, we need to add a magic creation function within our data class:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $title,
public string $content,
public PostStatus $status,
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

public static function fromString(string $post): PostData
$fields = explode('|', $post);

return new self(

Magic creation methods allow you to create data objects from any type by passing them to the from method of a data
object, you can read more about it here.

It can be convenient to transform more complex models than our Post into data objects because you can decide how a model
would be mapped onto a data object.

Nesting data objects and collections

Now that we have a fully functional post data object. We're going to create a new data object, AuthorData that will store the name of an author and a collection of posts the author wrote:

class AuthorData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $name,
/** @var AppDataPostData[] */
public DataCollection $posts
) {

Instead of using an array to store all the posts, we use a DataCollection. This will be very useful later on! We now can create an author object as such:

new AuthorData(
'Ruben Van Assche',
new PostData('Hello laravel-data', 'This is an introduction post for the new package', PostStatus::draft(), null),
new PostData('What is a data object', 'How does it work?', PostStatus::draft(), null),

But it is also possible to create an author using the from method:

'name' => 'Ruben Van Assche',
'posts' => [
'title' => 'Hello laravel-data',
'content' => 'This is an introduction post for the new package',
'status' => 'draft',
'published_at' => null,
'title' => 'What is a data object',
'content' => 'How does it work',
'status' => 'draft',
'published_at' => null,

The data object is smart enough to convert an array of posts into a data collection of post data. Mapping data coming from the frontend was never that easy!

You can do a lot more with data collections. Read more about it here.

Usage in controllers

We've been creating many data objects from all sorts of values, time to change course and go the other way around and start transforming data objects into arrays.

Let's say we have an API controller that returns a post:

public function __invoke()
return new PostData(
'Hello laravel-data',
'This is an introduction post for the new package',
CarbonImmutable::create(2020, 05, 16),

By returning a data object in a controller, it is automatically converted to JSON:

"title" : "Hello laravel-data",
"content" : "This is an introduction post for the new package",
"status" : "published",
"published_at" : "2021-09-24T13:31:20+00:00"

You can also easily convert a data object into an array as such:


Which gives you an array like this:

'title' => 'Hello laravel-data',
'content' => 'This is an introduction post for the new package',
'status' => 'published',
'published_at' => '2021-09-24T13:31:20+00:00',

It is possible to transform a data object into an array and keep complex types like the PostStatus and CarbonImmutable:


This will give the following array:

'title' => 'Hello laravel-data',
'content' => 'This is an introduction post for the new package',
'status' => PostStatus::published(),
'published_at' => CarbonImmutable::create(2020, 05, 16),

As you can see, if we transform a data object to JSON, the CarbonImmutable published at date is transformed into a string.

Using transformers

A few sections ago, we used casts to convert simple types into complex types. Transformers work the other way around. They transform complex types into simple ones and transform a data object into a simpler structure like an array or JSON.

Just like the DateTimeInterfaceCast we also have a DateTimeInterfaceTransformer that will convert DateTime, Carbon, ... objects into strings.

This DateTimeInterfaceTransformer is registered in the data.php config file and will automatically be used when a data object needs to transform a DateTimeInterface object:

'transformers' => [
DateTimeInterface::class => SpatieLaravelDataTransformersDateTimeInterfaceTransformer::class,
IlluminateContractsSupportArrayable::class => SpatieLaravelDataTransformersArrayableTransformer::class,

The value of the PostStatus enum is automatically transformed to a string because it implements JsonSerializable, but it is perfectly possible to write a custom transformer for it just like we built our custom cast a few sections ago:

class PostStatusTransformer implements Transformer
public function transform(DataProperty $property, mixed $value): string
/** @var AppEnumsPostStatus $value */
return $value->value;

We now can use this transformer in the data object like this:

class PostData extends Data
public function __construct(
public string $title,
public string $content,
public PostStatus $status,
public ?CarbonImmutable $published_at
) {

You can read a lot more about transformers here.

Generating a blueprint

We now can send our posts as JSON to the front, but what if we want to create a new post? When using Inertia, for example, we might need an empty blueprint object like this that the user could fill in:

"title" : null,
"content" : null,
"status" : null,
"published_at" : null

This can be done with the empty method, which will return an empty array following the structure of your data object:


This will return the following array:

'title' => null,
'content' => null,
'status' => null,
'published_at' => null,

It is possible to set the status of the post to draft by default:

'status' => 'draft';

In closing

I hope you liked this quick overview of this package. There's still a lot more you can do with data objects like:

casting them into Eloquent models

transforming the structure to typescript

working with DataCollections

If you want to know more about this package, head over to the extensive documentation.

This isn't the first package that our team has made. Our website has an open source section that lists every package that our team has made. I'm pretty sure that there's something there for your next project. Currently, all of our package combined are being downloaded 10 million times a month.

Our team doesn't only create open-source, but also paid digital products, such as Ray, Mailcoach and Flare. Our team also creates premium video courses, such as Laravel Beyond CRUD, Testing Laravel, Laravel Package Training and Event Sourcing in Laravel. If you want to support our open source efforts, consider picking up one of our paid products.


By , ago

★ Three types of mocks


Mocking, faking; these might sound like intimidating words if you don't know what they are about, but once you do, you'll be able to improve your testing skills significantly.

Part of "the art of testing" is being able to test code in some level of isolation to make sure a test suite is trustworthy and versatile. These topics are so important that we actually made five or six videos on them in our Testing Laravel course.

In this post, I want to share three ways how you can deal with mocking and faking. Let's dive in!

Laravel's Fakes

Laravel has seven fakes — eight if you count time as well:


Laravel fakes are useful because they are built-in ways to disable some of the core parts of the framework during testing while still being able to make assertions on them. Here's an example of using the Storage fake to assert whether a file would have been saved in the correct place if the code was run for real, outside of your test suite:


$post = BlogPost::factory()->create();



Laravel has built-in support for Mockery, a library that allows you to create mocks — fake implementations of a class — on the fly.

Here we create an example of an RssRepository, so that we won't perform an actual HTTP request, but instead return some dummy data:

$rss = $this->mock(
function (MockInterface $mock) {
new RssEntry(/* … */)

You can imagine how using mocks can significantly impact the performance and reliability of your test suite.

Handcrafted mocks

Mockery can sometimes feel heavy or complex, depending on your use case. My personal preference is to use handcrafted mocks instead: a different implementation of an existing class, one that you register in Laravel's container when running tests. Here's an example:

class RssRepositoryFake extends RssRepository
public function fetch(string $url): Collection
return collect([
new RssEntry(/* … */),

public static function setUp(): void
self::$urls = [];

new self(),

By cleverly using the service container, we can override our real RssRepository by one that doesn't actually perform any HTTP requests. If you're curious to learn more about them, you can check out our Testing Laravel course.


By , ago

★ A Laravel package to crawl and index content of your sites


The newly released spatie/laravel-site-search package can crawl and index the content of one or more sites. You can think of it as a private Google search for your sites. Like most Spatie packages, it is highly customizable: you have total control over what content gets crawled and indexed.

To see the package in action, head over to the search page of this very blog.

In this post, I'd like to introduce the package to you and highlight some implementation and testing details. Let's dig in!

Are you a visual learner?

In this stream on YouTube, I'll demo the package and dive into its source code. All questions are welcome in the chat.

Why we created this package?

In our ecosystem, there already are several options to create a search index. Let's compare them with our new package.

Laravel Scout is an excellent package to add search capabilities for Eloquent models. In most cases, this is very useful if you want to provide a structured search. For example, if you have a Product model, Scout can help build up a search index to search the properties of these products.

The main difference between Scout and laravel-site-search is that laravel-site-search is not tied to Eloquent models. Like Google, it will crawl your entire site and index all content that is there.

Another nice indexing option is Algolia Docsearch. It can add search capabilities to open-source documentation for free.

Our laravel-site-search package may be used to index non-open-source stuff as well. Where Docsearch makes basic assumptions on how the content is structured, our package tries to make a best effort to index all kinds of content.

You could also opt to use Meilisearch Doc Scraper, which you can use for non-open-source content. It's written in Python, so it's not that easy to integrate with a PHP app.

Our package is, of course, written in PHP and can be customized very easily; you can even add custom properties.

So summarised, our package can be used for all kinds of content, and it can be easily customized when installed in a Laravel app.

Crawling your first site

First, you must follow the installation instructions. This involves installing the package and installing Meilisearch. The docs even mention how you can install and run Meilisearch on a Forge provisioned server.

After you've installed the package, you can run this command to define a site that needs to be indexed.

php artisan site-search:create-index

This command will ask for a name for your index and the URL of your site that should be crawled. Of course, you could run that command multiple times to create multiple indexes.

After that, you should run this command to start a queued job. You should probably schedule that command to run every couple of hours so that the index is kept in sync with your site's latest content.

php artisan site-search:crawl

That job that is started by that command will:

create a new Meilisearch index
crawl your website using multiple concurrent connections to improve performance
transform crawled content to something that can be put in the search index
mark that new Meilisearch index as the active one
delete the old Meilisearch index

Finally, you can use Search to perform a query on your index.

use SpatieSiteSearchSearch;

$searchResults = Search::onIndex($indexName)
->query('your query')

This is how you could render the results in a Blade view:

@foreach($searchResults->hits as $hit)
<a href="{{ $hit->url }}">
<div>{{ $hit->url }}</div>
<div>{{ $hit->title() }}</div>
<div>{!! $hit->highlightedSnippet() !!}</div>

That is basically how you can use the package. On the search page of this very blog, you can see the package in action. I've also open-sourced my blog, so on GitHub, you'll be able to see the Livewire component and Blade view that power the search page.

Customizing what gets crawled and indexed

In most cases, you don't want to index all content that is available on your site. A few examples of this are menu structures or list pages (e.g. a list with blog posts with links to the detail pages of those posts).

We've made it easy to ignore such content. In the config file there's an option ignore_content_on_urls. Your homepage probably contains no unique content but rather links to pages where the full content is.

You can ignore the content on the homepage by adding /. We'll still crawl the homepage but not put any of its content in the index.

* When crawling your site, we will ignore content that is on these URLs.
* All links on these URLs will still be followed and crawled.
* You may use `*` as a wildcard.
'ignore_content_on_urls' => [

You can also ignore content based on CSS selectors. There's an option ignore_content_by_css_selector in the config file that lets you specify any CSS selection.

If your menu structure is in a nav element, you can add nav. You could also introduce a data attribute that you could slap on any content you don't want in your index.

So with this configuration:

* When indexing your site, we will ignore any content to the search index
* that is selected by these CSS selectors.
* All links inside such content will still be crawled, so it's safe
* it's safe to add a selector for your menu structure.
'ignore_content_by_css_selector' => [

... this div won't get indexed:

This will get indexed
<div data-no-index>
This won't get indexed but <a href="/other-page">this link</a> will still be followed.

Using a search profile

For a lot of users, the above config options will be enough. If you want to control what gets indexed and crawled programmatically, you can use a search profile.

A search profile determines which pages get crawled and what content gets indexed. In the site-search config file, you'll win the default_profile key that the SpatieSiteSearchProfilesDefaultSearchProfile::class is being use by default.

This default profile will instruct the indexing process:

to crawl each page of your site
to only index any page that had 200 as the status code of its response
to not index a page if the response had a header site-search-do-not-index

By default, the crawling process will respect the robots.txt of your site.

If you want to customize the crawling and indexing behaviour, you could opt to extend SpatieSiteSearchProfilesDefaultSearchProfile or create your own class that implements the SpatieSiteSearchProfilesSearchProfile interface. This is how that interface looks like.

namespace SpatieSiteSearchProfiles;

use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface;
use PsrHttpMessageUriInterface;
use SpatieSiteSearchIndexersIndexer;

interface SearchProfile
public function shouldCrawl(UriInterface $url, ResponseInterface $response): bool;
public function shouldIndex(UriInterface $url, ResponseInterface $response): bool;
public function useIndexer(UriInterface $url, ResponseInterface $response): ?Indexer;
public function configureCrawler(Crawler $crawler): void;

Indexing extra properties

Only the page title, URL, description, and some content are added to the search index by default. However, you can add any extra property you want.

You do this by using a custom indexer and override the extra method.

class YourIndexer extends SpatieSiteSearchIndexersDefaultIndexer
public function extra() : array{
return [
'authorName' => $this->functionThatExtractsAuthorName()

public function functionThatExtractsAuthorName()
// add logic here to extract the username using
// the `$response` property that's set on this class

The extra properties will be available on a search result hit.

$searchResults = SearchIndexQuery::onIndex('my-index')->search('your query')->get();

$firstHit = $searchResults->hits->first();

$firstHit->authorName; // returns the author name

Let's take a look at the tests

When writing tests, I usually prefer to write feature tests. They give me the highest confidence that everything is working correctly.

In the case of this package, a proper feature test would encompass crawling and indexing a site, then perform a query to the built-up search index, and verify if the results are correct.

In our test suite, we do precisely that. Let's first take a look at the test itself.

it('can crawl and index all pages', function () {

dispatch(new CrawlSiteJob($this->siteSearchConfig));


$searchResults = Search::onIndex($this->siteSearchConfig->name)


The site that we're going to crawl is not a real site. The used crawl_url in $this->siteSearchConfig is set to localhost:8181. This site is served by a Lumen application, that is booted whenever the tests run.

The first line of our test is Server::activateRoutes('chain'). This will make our Lumen application load and use a certain routes file. In this case, we will let our Lumen app use the chain.php routes file. This is what that routes file looks like:

$router->get('/', fn () => view('chain/1'));
$router->get('2', fn () => view('chain/2'));
$router->get('3', fn () => view('chain/3'));

So basically, our Lumen app now is a mini-site that serves a couple of chained pages.

In the following lines of our test, we're dispatching the job that will crawl and indexed that site.

// in our test

dispatch(new CrawlSiteJob($this->siteSearchConfig));


That waitForMeilisearch also deserves a bit of explanation. When something is being saved in a Meilisearch index, that bit of info won't be indexed immediately. Meilisearch needs a bit of time to process everything. Our tests need to wait on that because otherwise, our test may randomly fail because sometimes our exceptions would run before the indexing is complete.

Luckily, Meilisearch has an API that can determine whether all updates to an index are processed. Here's the implementation of waitForMeilisearch. We simply wait for Meilisearch's processing to be done.

function waitForMeilisearch(SiteSearchConfig $siteSearchConfig): void
$indexName = $siteSearchConfig->refresh()->index_name;

while (MeiliSearchDriver::make($siteSearchConfig)->isProcessing($indexName)) {

After Meilisearch has done its work, we will perform a query against the Meilisearch index and expect certain URLs to be returned.

// in our test

$searchResults = Search::onIndex($this->siteSearchConfig->name)


With that Lumen test server a waitForMeilisearch function, we can test most functionalities of the package. Here's the test that makes sure the ignore_content_on_urls option is working.

When crawling the same chain as above but add ignore_content_on_urls to the pages to ignore, we expect that / and /3 are in the index.

it('can be configured not to index certain urls', function () {

config()->set('site-search.ignore_content_on_urls', [

dispatch(new CrawlSiteJob($this->siteSearchConfig));


$searchResults = Search::onIndex($this->siteSearchConfig->name)


This kind of test gives me a lot of confidence that everything in the package is working correctly. If you want to see more tests, head over to the test suite on GitHub.

In closing

I hope that you like this little tour of the package. There are a lot of options not mentioned in this blog post: You can create synonyms, extra properties can be added, and much more.

We spent a lot of time making every aspect of the crawling and indexing behaviour customizable. Discover all the options in our extensive docs.

This isn't the first package that our team has made. Our website has an open source section that lists every package that our team has made. I'm pretty sure that there's something there for your next project. Currently, all of our package combined are being downloaded 10 million times a month.

Our team doesn't only create open-source, but also paid digital products, such as Ray, Mailcoach and Flare. Our team also creates premium video courses, such as Laravel Beyond CRUD, Testing Laravel, Laravel Package Training and Event Sourcing in Laravel. If you want to support our open source efforts, consider picking up one of our paid products.


By , ago

★ Replacing Keytar with Electron's safeStorage in Ray


Ray is an app we built at Spatie to make debugging your applications easier and faster. Being web developers, we naturally decided to write this app in Electron, which enabled us to move from nothing to a working prototype to a released product on 3 separate platforms within a matter of weeks.

About 9 months ago, Alex added a much requested feature that allows you to connect to remote servers and receive their Ray outputs securely over SSH.

To save the credentials to a server, we needed to find a secure way to save the password or private key passphrase. We quickly settled on node-keytar, a native Node.js module that leverages your system's keychain (Keychain/libsecret/Credential Vault/…) to safely store passwords, hidden from other applications and users.

Using a native Node module brought one major disadvantage: we couldn't easily build for other platforms anymore without running the actual build on that platform. There are some solutions provided by electron-builder, Keytar, and other packages, but these all came with their own layer of overhead. We eventually decided to run the build on all platforms separately using the GitHub Actions CI.

Three weeks ago, on September 21, 2021, Electron 15 was released, and somewhat hidden in the release notes we found a mention to a newly added string encryption API: safeStorage (PR/docs). Similarly to Keytar, Electron's safeStorage also uses the system's keychain to securely encrypt strings, but without the need for an extra dependency.

We jumped at the idea of simplifying our build process and removing a dependency, and wrote this simple implementation using safeStorage and electron-store, with an external API inspired by Keytar:

import { safeStorage } from 'electron';
import Store from 'electron-store';

const store = new Store<Record<string, string>>({
name: 'ray-encrypted',
watch: true,
encryptionKey: 'this_only_obfuscates',

export default {
setPassword(key: string, password: string) {
const buffer = safeStorage.encryptString(password);
store.set(key, buffer.toString('latin1'));

deletePassword(key: string) {

getCredentials(): Array<{ account: string; password: string }> {
return Object.entries(, [account, buffer]) => {
return [...credentials, { account, password: safeStorage.decryptString(Buffer.from(buffer, 'latin1')) }];
}, [] as Array<{ account: string; password: string }>);

The only downside is that any previously saved passwords and passphrases saved using Keytar are now inaccessible for the app, but you can still find them by opening your system's keychain application and looking for any mentions of ray, ssh_password_, or private_key_. We also hope Ray wasn't the only spot you saved your server passwords.

Upon opening the servers overlay, existing users will receive a notification that their credentials need to be entered again. Ray will save which servers have not had their credentials updated yet, and will display this to the user. We used electron-store's migrations feature for this:

migrations: {
'>=1.18.0': (store) => {
store.get('servers').map((server) => ({ ...server, needsCredentialsUpdate: true }))

By , ago