Git Rebase: a love story

At work, Tim MacDonald decided to show git rebase the love it deserves with a brown bag session. He has record it, so we can enjoy it as well. Read more

By , ago

★ How to handle GitHub webhooks in a Laravel application


Whenever something happens in one of your repos on GitHub, you can configure a webhook to be sent to your app. This way, you can perform some extra logic when a particular event occurs on the repo. A silly example would be to send someone a mail when an issue is opened.

We've created a new package called spatie/laravel-github-webhooks that makes it easy to consume GitHub webhooks in a Laravel app. In this blog post, I'd like to tell you all about it.

Are you a visual learner?

In this stream, I show how to use the package, go over the source code, and explain how it is tested.

Using spatie/laravel-github-webhooks

After you've installed the package in your app, you can start configuring what should happen when GitHub webhooks hit your app. GitHub expects your app to respond as fast as possible. That's why the package will, when a webhook comes in, create a GitHubWebhookCall model with the payload of the webhook in the database. It will pass that model to a queued job so that an HTTP response can be sent very quickly, and the actual work that needs to be done can be performed on the queue.

In the jobs key of the github-webhooks config file, you can configure which jobs should be executed when certain events come in. Here's an example:

// in the `github-webhooks` config file

'jobs' => [
    'issues.opened' => AppJobsHandleIssueOpenedWebhookJob::class,

In this example, the HandleIssueOpenedWebhookJob job will be dispatched when a webhook of type issues comes in with an action of opened in the payload.

Here's how the HandeIssueOpenedWebhookJob could look like:

namespace AppJobsGitHubWebhooks;

use IlluminateBusQueueable;
use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;
use IlluminateQueueInteractsWithQueue;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;
use SpatieGitHubWebhooksModelsGitHubWebhookCall;

class HandleIssueOpenedWebhookJob implements ShouldQueue
    use InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public GitHubWebhookCall $gitHubWebhookCall;

    public function __construct(
        public GitHubWebhookCall $webhookCall
    ) {}

    public function handle()
        // React to the issue opened at GitHub event here

        // You can access the payload of the GitHub webhook call with `$this->webhookCall->payload()`

And that is all you have to do to handle an incoming GitHub webhook in your app.

In closing

spatie/laravel-github-webhooks is very much a meat-and-potatoes kind of package. No new big ideas are introduced here. Still, the package handles a lot of work for you:

  • storing the incoming webhook
  • easy configuration of webhook handling jobs
  • pruning handle webhooks
  • sane exception management

To know more about the package, head over to the readme on GitHub. There are a lot of options not mentioned in this post. Also, be sure to look at this list of packages our team has created previously.

If you want to support our open source efforts, consider picking up one of our paid products.


By , ago

Announcing our Testing Laravel premium video course


Knowing how to write automated tests is a fundamental skill for any developer. By adding a quality test suite to your application, you'll end up with fewer bugs in production. It allows you to refactor with confidence using a test suite that has your back.

We're currently recording a new premium video course called Testing Laravel. It will be released in September.

The basics of testing + testing Laravel

In this course, learn how to test Laravel applications from scratch. We've created a fully functional blog demo application that we'll write tests for. After we've covered the basics, we'll show you advanced subjects. You'll see how we test our applications at Spatie. We'll cover snapshot testing, mocks, APIs, testing domain code, setting up CI, and much more. We'll also walk you through the tests of real-world applications.

Let's Pest this

Pest is the new kid on the block in the PHP testing world that focuses on stellar developer experience. It's rapidly rising in popularity, and we believe it'll only grow in the near future. That's why you'll get two flavours of the entire course: in one, we'll handle PHPUnit. In the other, we'll focus on Pest. We'll also show you how to convert a PHPUnit test suite to Pest.

Available soon

My colleague Brent and I are well underway recording all the videos. We'll be ready with recording them all early September.

We hope that this course will help new fellow Artisan to write tests for their apps. And if you already know how to test, we have a few cool testing tricks to share that we use to test the big applications of our own.

If you want to get notified when this course launches, subscribe now to the mailing list at Testing Laravel.


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