Help needed for MongoDb
I have been given a task for making a Registration form and login form in Asp.net mvc web application. Now I have created this but I am having issue about how to retrieve data from Read more…
I have been given a task for making a Registration form and login form in Asp.net mvc web application. Now I have created this but I am having issue about how to retrieve data from Read more…
Hii.. I want to ask can I run omnisharp older ver(compatible with .net frame 4.5 or below) in visual code as my os is win8. So yesterday when I completely set vs code for c# Read more…
I created https://github.com/EekoS/php-fpm-cli For all the people (like me) that need to run a PHP script through a cronjob, but have php-fpm installed on their server so they can’t simply call “php <script>”. Lemme know Read more…
Python Data Structures: Python is a programming language used worldwide for various fields such as building dynamic websites, artificial intelligence and many more. However, there is data that plays a very significant role in making Read more…
Python Stack: The work Stack is defined as arranging a pile of objects or items on top of another. It is the same method of allocating memory in the stack data structure. The Stack is used to Read more…
Hi guys I’m coming from https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/k2sqf9/aspnet_core_what_is_it_and_what_is_it_not/ Can somebody recommend a good boilerplate project (if that exists that is)? that means a project where all these elements are already integrated with each other so I dont Read more…
What’s your opinion on if(0 == count($users)) I have developer following this style but it looks odd to me 😀 I understand it’s to prevent “bugs” but is it really worth to add such code Read more…
An ultra-light and blazing fast autocomplete plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework. Written in Vanilla JavaScript. jQuery and Bootstrap JS are OPTIONAL. Demo Download source
These are great. I’d also add: not everything with 2 states is a bool — give them their own clear enum. Even worse is shoehorning a nullable bool for tri state. Especially once you have Read more…
Learn Development at Frontend Masters Some HTML elements come with preset designs, like the inconveniently small squares of <input type="checkbox"> elements, the limited-color bars of <meter> elements, and the “something about them bothers me” arrows Read more…