I read over very old posts in stackoverflow discussing this (so not sure how relevant it is):


“My biggest C# codebase with maybe a million lines of code with lots of projects took about an hour to compile.”

that kind of sounds awful. Is that really still feasible in 2020?

I used to work on a c++ project, 10 years ago or so. The team there decided to _not use inheritance_ for the reason that if they do not use inheritance, they can hot patch single c++ files. If you use inheritance you have to rebuild the entire thing for a mini patch. So they went above and beyond to avoid to use c++ features just so its easier to patch production. (leaving this here as a little interesting anecdote)

How much of a build time can one expect for c#? 1s, 10s, 100s? And I get it, it depends. But lets say for a big project. Not huuuuge project. But big.
how is the DX (developer experience) affected by it? if you do a change, you eventually have to wait for an entire rebuild?
I’ve worked on C++, python, java, and c# projects in my career. C# Projects are by far the quickest and easiest to compile.
Dependencies from nuget are automatically fetched, only required dependencies are rebuilt, no stupid code pollution needed to prevent the compiler from doing stupid things (#pragma), error messages are in english and easy to understand most of the time. .NetCore has especially improved things related to building with the new csproj format.
I know py gets compiled to pyc but I have never noticed that to take up time at all honestly.
so what do you say about c# compilation times? 1s, 10s or 100s for a big project?
C# devs
null reference exceptions
