C# absolute beginner here, coming from PHP.
I am writing a C# Console Application that fetches upcoming [GoToWebinars](https://developer.goto.com/GoToWebinarV2/) and stores them in a database.

For Oauth it seems I need to make a call to first fetch an authorization code: https://api.getgo.com/oauth/v2/authorize?client_id=xxxxxxxx
However this code I can only retrieve when running the URL manually in a Web Browser.

With the code obtained, now I can make a call to get the Access and Refresh Token. This I was able to do in the console application. I save both codes to a database table.

I want to run this Console Application as an hourly cron job. Would I be able to keep using the same refresh token to get a new access token (1 hour valid) every-time indefinitely, or will an Authorization code need to be manually retrieved once in a while?
Thank you.
