Hello everyone
Glad to post again 🙂

Today we’re gonna talk about the cross-platform generator tool for Cordova. This engine targets multiple platforms with just one code base, simple and free.
It uses HTML5, CSS and JS for development, and you can develop the plugins natively for each platform(Android, Windows, iOS, ..).

A Cordova project is actually an html site, that can be viewed through a modified and enhanced webview on mobile devices.
Cordova engine can be installed on MacOs, Windows and Linux. It’s quite easy for you if you are familiar with html/css and js.

In this post, we are using Backbone.js as MVC framework for javascript. Using Backbone.js we can organize our javascript code into views and models, so it will be readable and maintainable.

We gonna take Backbone.js and Cordova in separate posts to discuss their abilities and what you can do using each one alone.

This generator is a NodeJS web application that can generate a Cordova site project. You can choose the pages for your application, for instance if your application is having pages like: contact us, details, our location, products, etc… .
You can specify the pages in a comma separated words like in the image below.

You can also specify what type of plugins you want to install or add to the project.
Once you hit click, the server will generate file and compress them in a zip downloadable file.
Extract the files, and you have a Cordova project now 🙂

Website Tool