In a work environment it’s not something your going to do often. In fact, I’m curious if there are devs that have never made a new project at work?
True. 6 months as a junior and what we do is we develop one big web application. So, to understand how to create a new project, host on database I did it my self, just for learning purposes.

I think that in work environment (in a company) it is more popular to use this kind of templates compared to something like creating projects in your free time (those are just my thoughts). So yeah, I am just asking if creating something like this would be actually useful, or mostly not (if someone says its not – i wont be mad xd )
We work with microservices and have an internal template with all boilerplat code, yaml pipeline, auth etc in it. This is so all apis look the same and no consultant would ask, how do I setup X?
Each project is different… if you apply the same template to everything (hi Jason) your a bit special.
Depends on the project, but a lot of my projects had either project templates, or individual file templates.
Do not reinvent the wheel …
C# devs
null reference exceptions


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