Hi! Finally I decided to start learning c#. The final goal is to create my own game (with unity), and I’d like to know all the stuff necessary to achieve this dream. I wanna be a game developer, but I dunno where to look :/ Is freeCodeCamp.org good enough to prepare me? Or is it just very basic stuff? Thank you all guys

There are lots of good resources out there, just try out and see what helps you… The “C# Basics” tutorial of the site you linked seems good to me.
Start with the basics: forget unity for a while. Try making a calculator application or something even simpler.
Just remember, the best way to learn, is to practice with tutorials you read/watch. Always make a new project to try them out. You should later review old projects to learn from your mistakes too.
If you are serious about making your game, you will first need a solid understanding of the language and some experience, to avoid common mistakes. If you start with it too soon, you will probably have a hard time finishing it.
Thanks for the advice. No, I’m not so ambitious to start it without basic knowledge😂 I’ll try as you say
Just want to reiterate “Start with basics: Forget unity for a while”. This is great advice.
Hi, I just switched my job from Java developer to C# developer and I decided to start here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/ it is really nice documentation and tutorials. After this I propose to look for tutorials which handles the use of Unity in C#.
I’ll consider it, thanks pal
I would recommend the c# player guide 3rd edition which is a bit dated (c# 7.0) but nonetheless very good book
I would recommend starting with some basic console applications using tutorials on youtube, in my personal experience I think it’s better to not jump into unity straight away. I would also recommend giving Monogame a try as this is a game development program in visual studio where writing c# is basicly the only thing you do so it’s very good for learning the language. After you did these things, gave them a try and got the hang of it I would recommend moving on to Unity as by this time you will have a very good understanding of c#
As a few people have said, I’d recommend walking before you can run. If you are new enough to coding that you need to ask this question, then you should learn the fundamentals that matter before trying to do game development. Learn the language, how to structure code, how to debug, how to optimise for performance, etc.
Saying “I have no idea how to code, I’d like to be a games developer” is a little like saying “never driven before, would like to become an F1 driver”, i.e., totally possible, but you have a way to go before you’ll even know if you like it enough to persevere, let alone if you’re competent enough to get on with it as a career.
If you prefer video tutorials over books/reading, Mosh Hamedani’s and Gamedev.tv courses on Udemy worked for me, for C# and Unity respectively. I also read “C# in a Nutshell” at the same time to really get into the language, I don’t think it is a good book to take as the only resource as it is more of a reference book but I personally liked the structure and concise writing style.

Once you are ready to jump into unity, look up brackeys on YouTube. I used this series to get started and I’m now working on my third small game: https://youtu.be/IlKaB1etrik
Programming with Mosh is the best. He has a 4 party series from beginner to advanced that teaches you all the various aspects of C#, with examples to work through and summaries of each section. You can find some of his stuff on YouTube, but I bought his C# masterclass for 40$, and it was totally worth it!
I would advice to view a few beginner courses/small videos. I found Mosh’s videos pretty helpful when I first started, here’s a beginner C# video from him:
If you want to start coding for game development I think this course would be pretty good as well, they teach unity and C# basics in the same course:
You won’t be able to start writing complicated games just by completing these two courses but at least you will have a general idea of what you are getting yourself into and where to go from there.
I would also advice to create Pluralsight account before or after you grasp the basics (I would do it after). There are many amazing programming courses on this platform. You can easily pick a path (in your case C# path) and you will find many different C# courses from beginner to advanced.
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