I have VSCode running on my primary workstation; which I already use for Python/Jupyter. I would like to install Jupyter-PHP; since Im comfortable with Jupyter’s interactive prompt. I just want to make sure that Jupyter-PHP is dependable; and, good enough for me to use. It looks like it hasn’t been updated in years. I REALLY don’t like the idea of using a different IDE.
Also, I have a PHP server running on a remote PC (to handle a script that someone else made for me). I would like to learn how that script works; and, make enhancements to it.
I know this is going to sound like a dumb question… but… Do I just install PHP locally on my VSCodeJupyter PC… even though, I have PHP already running on my remote server?
BTW, how do I use/add the Jupyter-PHP public key when installing with the signed installer? I didn’t see any instructions for using the public key… just a command to run the installer. Will the installer ask me for the location of the public key file I downloaded?
Thank you so much for your time.
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