Based on advice from past threads on this sub, I started learning PHP from the Laracasts PHP track. I’ve so far finished the first 15 videos, was just about to start Routing before I took one look at the comments and decided against. it. I’ve realised for a while now that all I’ve been doing is watching Jeffrey Way code while occasionally chucking tidbits of learning at you. In this way the Laracasts style of teaching – or the PHP track version of it anyway – essentially seems to be a “course” of glorified watch-along-as-I-code videos.

When it comes to things like syntax and language constructs, there’s very little concrete to actually take notes on and make a point of memorising for later use, and 15 videos in I’m annoyed at just how little I’ve actually learnt about the PHP language and how it works. The course seems to occupy this weird space where it explains the most basic top-level concepts like it’s talking to beginners, and then expects you to learn the language itself on-the-fly by watching him code as if you were an experienced programmer. If I hadn’t spent the last few months prior to this learning the ins and outs of JavaScript ES6 I would have been ten times as lost as I currently am and probably quit within the first few videos.

With that rant in mind, are there any decent ways to learn modern PHP (7+, 8 would be even better) that aren’t Laracasts or PHPTheRightWay (great at what it describes itself as – a reference book – but not really a guide for a beginner programmer). I would prefer something text-based because it’s more efficient and easier to take notes on, but will settle for any good video course that I can actually learn the language with. It seems insane to me that despite PHP being around as long as JavaScript has there are no definitive guides like EloquentJavaScript or around, at least not that come across.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help, it would be much appreciated.
If that’s too complicated try the more beginner friendly
Symfonycasts, number one choice. Plus you will learn the Ways of the Force 🙂

But I think you will learn by practice much faster. So: try Symfony, install psalm and set it to max level.
