I took a trip over to Leetcode for the first time the other day. I’ve never really done algorithms and data structures before so I went over to the easiest question I could find. I sumbitted my answer and looked at the “best” solution. Mine couldn’t have been anymore wrong and it’s brought my imposter syndrome right back.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get better at answering Leetcode questions? Feel like a potato
Did your code get the correct result?
Remember, there is more than one way to achieve the end result.
Learn from the “ideal” solution and, if you feel so inclined, adopt some of the ways it does things.
Unfortunately not. Worked for the first pass, but on multiple passes of the test case it fell over
My count is currently at 92. I went through the same emotions when i started .
What i did initially was to go at it by topics ( string, array, linked list, etc) and as I solved problems and checked the solutions, i got better at identifying patterns and started getting faster.
I’ve realized that as we keeping going there are bound to be bad days once in a while too. The most important thing is to keep the leetcode grind going and not give up.
Good luck
thanks man
C# devs
null reference exceptions


Categories: .NetCodingCsharp