i have looked everywhere online and none of them give me a working exe. I tried building the application which works on my computer, but doesn’t seem to on anyone elses or my own virtual machine. ive looked other places online too
If you already have an installer, then why don’t you have it install the necessary dependencies along with your program?
Wdym? I dont have an installer thats what i wanna make
Does it have to be an installer or can it be a portable exe? If it can be portable just choose .net core as your project, then when compiling choose “produce single file”, and also “self-contained”, then when its done you can chuck away the extra files like pdb or whatever and just use the exe
Can you explain the difference?
Is your project.net core or what is it? You can always try using ILMerge in order to place all your DLLs and your exe into one file.
Ngl i have no idea i just selected console app in vs. How can i check? I didnt change anything except the systems i was using
Point your direction of search to clickonce. It’s an older way of distributing applications but Microsoft tends to bring it back. It’s not a single file but it will install the application and it’s dependencies.
Ive seen that but i cant get anything to work
There is a nuget package called foddy something that can put all other external DLLs and Dependencies into a single launchable execution automatically which is really handy. Saves an install process entirely
C# devs
null reference exceptions
Preventing Destructive Commands from Running in Laravel
Read about how to use the IlluminateConsoleProhibitable trait to prevent destructive commands from running in your Laravel application. We’ll also look at how to prevent your own custom Artisan commands from running using this trait. Read more…