I’ve cloned a project from Github, but I receive the error “this project is incompatible with the current edition of visual studio” when I open it. I’m using the latest 2019 updated, so I suspect it might be due to some packages that aren’t installed? If so, how do I know which ones aren’t installed?

Project can be found here: https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxAPI
It’s usually that the project is using a VS plug-in (probably one that defines some new templates) that isn’t installed
It even says on the main page exactly which plugin it is.
Info: All FlaxAPI projects use Flax Visual Studio extension by-default, it is required to install this plugin to properly run the solution.

It even has a link to it.
it says that 3D game engine written in C++
I suppose you do not have C++ support installed for the VS
Run the VS setup and check the C++ project support option.
The engine is C++. This is an editor and API for the engine. All of the projects appear to be csproj.
It’s a Visual Studio 2017 solution so should be compatible. The docs specify that in order to use it you need to install the Flax VS plugin. Have you done that?
C# devs
null reference exceptions
