Are you really the “Brent” from Spatie ? I really like the PHP 8 course you guys created. Good job.
Thanks, I’m “the Brent from Spatie” yes, also “the Brent from” 😂
He’s also Brent, my colleague

Already bought it on release day. About 100 pages in so far and it’s really good. It’s going to be mandatory reading for new starters. Already agree with most of it but there’s a few little tips I hadn’t seen before. Me and my team also really liked that recent blog post about building a nursery rhyme using composition over inheritance. That was a really inspired example. Cheers for the good work.
Looks really good!
Thanks. We spent a lot of time and effort on this 🙂
Hey buddy. I actually brought the book, I was just wondering if it’s possible to get an epub of it for Google books.
I couldn’t find where to re-download/login via email
The problem with epub is that code blocks are very difficult to get right. You’re the third person to ask, so there’s very little demand for epub, which makes it difficult for us to spend more time on it.
What format is the ebook? I didn’t see that mentioned anywhere.
Do I need a special reader for it?
It’s pdf
Is it possible to buy just the book? Preferably in print?
The rest is free, you’re always only buying the book
is it available on amazon?
No you can buy it here:
Commenting to check this out in the morning
Ok! 😀
Do you think you’ll ever release the book in print form?
No plans at the moment, no
