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The work is self-recommending. Looking forward to reading it!
Just started reading it earlier. Thanks!
Any specific reasons on why not using docker for setting things up? I’m definitely going to try this guide out nonetheless
The focus was on how everything works on WSL in relation to Windows. Docker wasn’t part of the offering. However, I use Docker every day in WSL and it’s fantastic. Highly recommend.
I use Windows 10 at work with a Linux VM because that’s what everyone else does (well, one guy uses Linux). I don’t really know much about WSL. Would it be useful to know and even an advantage if I switch?
How does this differ than the 15,346 or so tutorials on developing PHP with Ubuntu? Is there anything specific to the WSL2 environment other than “how to use WSL2”?
I cover much of the issues you’d run into doing all of this in WSL. So yes, it’s all Ubuntu (20.04 specifically) but there’s a fair bit of WSL knowledge in there.
There are a few quirks. Mostly around filesystem interaction, memory management and the few things that don’t seem to work.
Selecting The Correct Backend Technology: PHP vs Python
lol. you’re going to be so mad when you find out how great .net salaries are. Don’t hold onto this anger, talk to someone. Life’s too short to be this mad! Thanks for reading my post title.
What this community doesn’t need is more ignorant assholes like you.
The operating system someone chooses to use has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of their code. Only haters and bigots think otherwise.
So grow the fuck up.
Imagine gatekeeping an OS.
Grown up programmer’s don’t make comments like this. đ
Some people might not have a choice…
Linux desktop is garbage. I’ve done my own distro, was a neck beard using arch, and spend most of my current days in TF, k8s, and AWS.
Pure unadulterated garbage DE. With osx file IO being shit as well, wsl is a gem to use in dev and you should check yourself because you look stupid giving shit to WSL.