I applied to a PHP job and the interviewer sent me a test as following:

Write a CRUD application connecting to PostgreSQL, but please don’t use full-stack frameworks like Laravel, Symfony or Code Igniter, also don’t use Apache or Nginx, just use the built-in PHP server and PostgreSQL, that’s it“.

Well, seems to be simple, right.

This test is not for a Junior position, it’s supposed to be a Senior PHP evaluation, so they are expecting that I will deliver some modern PHP code. I can’t just sit down and write some 2005 like PHP script full of includes and procedural.

Before I even think about the CRUD itself, I need to think about folder architecture; a bootstrap/front-controller; a routing component; some kind of basic template system to display standard HTML views; something that at least resembles a ORM or a well organized Data Layer; not to mention basic validations, helpers and of course, unit tests.

I’m kinda lost and the impostor syndrome hit me very hard on this one.

Seems like before attempt to any job interview I’m gonna need to start learning PHP from scratch.
