Hi all,
It’s been 7 months since I came up with the idea and started to create a tool for building full stack and reactive web application for PHP. The idea is
to convert PHP into JavaScript automatically, therefore we can have the same login on server and frontend. And do not use HTML over AJAX, handle events just like any other JavaScript framework.
create template engine similar to modern Vue js or Angular with custom tags that represents components and can be reused.
create server and client side adapters for parts that should be executed differently on those sides, ex: http client, browser/server request info such as url, etc.
Right now I’m dedicating all of my free time (before/after work time, weekends) to finish Beta release. Meanwhile there is dev version and it’s functional enough to make some demo.
I hope you will like it. Any comments and feedbacks are highly welcomed.
Seems to be an ambitious project and interesting project!
Good luck!
Looks cool, since performance is a priority it would be interesting to make this swoole compatible.
A blog post about how it works under the hood would be so beneficial for new coders like me I think!
Awesome job by the way!
Thank you, I’m working on documentation and blog post, but due to a lack of time I’m trying to balance between implementing stable Beta release and writings, I hope to finish those soon.
Thanks ☺️
Is this kinda like Stimulus Reflex or Phoenix LiveView for php?
Didn’t hear about those, but as far as I can say those are using HTML over Ajax, which is not so reactive, my approach is different – it doesn’t interact with the server for every DOM update since it’s PHP converted into Javascript and acts like any other frontend js framework.
https://laravel-livewire.com/ is Pheonix LiveView for PHP, actually. (Laravel only cause it’s tightly bound to the framework and blade templating)
Checked out the docs and it seems like another transpiler though. Personally, I can’t see any advantage of using it other than the built-in SSR.
Edit: Docs are outdated a little, working on that.
That’s the point, you get SSR as well as fully independent frontend framework that renders any further pages without interaction with the server + reactivity. Advantages of both sides. And SEO won’t suffer which is very important for the business.
Seems like an interesting idea. Good luck with this project. I “starred” and “watched” on GitHub. Looking forward to trying it out!
Thank you 😊
This is very innovative and cool project. I think we should show this to people who does not like PHP.
Thank you!! I hope it will encourage people to embrace PHP 😊