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Is everyone ready for their phone to feel slow and outdated? 😬
With Orka and MacStadium, moving your Mac build infrastructure to the cloud is just as easy and powerful as using AWS or GCP. Orka brings simplicity and scalability to developers building for Apple devices. Spend less time managing servers and more time building great apps. Give Orka a try for free.
This is great news if you’re struggling to meet the December deadline for migrating away from UIWebView. Before you completely abandon your migration plans though, I’m pretty sure this will still happen, so it’d be wise to continue working on it.
I knew this would be a tricky one. I even called it back in January:
I won’t be surprised at all if we see an extension to this deadline (official, or otherwise) as we get closer to the end of the year.
Ever wished you could do TestFlight admin from within the App Store Connect app? If you have, then Apple has some good news for you! 👏
Another week, another open-source Swift library from Apple! This time it’s Nate Cook‘s turn to announce a library focused on common algorithms. Can we finally stop with the ridiculous algorithm-based interview questions now? đŸ€ž
Adding hardware keyboard management to your app might seem simple. It’s all automatic, right? If only it were that simple! KeyboardKit has been around for a while, but Douglas Hill gives us an update on what’s new now that it supports iOS 14.
Want to write your own networking framework? Probably not, but would you like to read about someone else writing one? What about if that person were Dave DeLong? I thought so! Dave has spent the whole summer writing this 18(!) part guide to HTTP. Grab a nice cup of tea, and get comfortable.
MetricKit isn’t new, but it’s still not something I’ve seen very many people talk about since its introduction in 2019. Here’s Andy Ibanez with information on how to use it to get a handle on the performance of your app, and how to report it back to your server.
The writing is on the wall for the application delegate with the introduction of the App protocol. 😬 That’s great, but how you do all the things that the delegate used to be responsible for? Luckily, Peter Friese has written this great guide to help make the transition a little easier.
It’s been a while since Agenda launched, with an interesting business model. Here we are, almost three years later. Has it worked? Let Drew McCormack fill you in.
iOS Developer @ Savvy – Savvy is a top creative agency and one of the first agencies to pioneer #remotelife back in 2009 before it was “cool” or more recently, required. Our work is regularly featured on the App Store and the industry as a whole. We have a great culture, generous benefits, and a fun, results-oriented atmosphere. – Remote within the US
iOS Developer @ sengaro – We’re looking for a mid/senior-level iOS developer for our team at sengaro. You’ll be working on a wide variety of apps – from public transportation, news, frameworks, to apps used in the medical sector. Ideally, you’ve been in the field for 3+ years, but experience and seniority are less important to us than personality – we’re looking for a good fit to our team, not just to fill a job! – Innsbruck Austria
Is the Apple bug bounty working as intended? Yes!

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