Google Cloud Platform provides a broad range of tools that allow developers to deploy almost any kind of application.

Abby Carey, a developer advocate for Cloud Code in Google, is joining Nafiul Islam on February 24 to talk about how to make use of Google Cloud Platform for building a Flask application.

Day: Wednesday
Date: February 24, 2021
Time: 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm CET

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Abby will demonstrate how to build Flask applications with GCP’s Cloud Run, which allows you to run containers as functions. Furthermore, Abby will showcase the Cloud Code plugin that allows you to take a look at your services, and run as well as deploy your applications using Run Configurations.

You will also learn how to use Cloud SQL, along with Secret Manager, to keep your credentials safe.

Join us for the webinar on February 24 at 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST / 10:00 pm CET (check other timezones).

About the speaker:

Abby Carey

Abby works at Google as a Developer Advocate for Cloud Code. Before joining Google she was a technical writer at Microsoft. She lives in Seattle.

Follow Abby on Twitter.

Categories: Python