Hi all! My objective is to build an application which can:
Open the Xbox Game Bar when the GUIDE button is single-pressed
Control the Xbox Game Bar by translating Xbox 360 controller buttons to keyboard presses

Power off an Xbox 360 controller when the GUIDE button is long pressed
Possibly a Game Bar Widget and a system tray icon would be nice additions too

But the only way I’ve found so far to detect the game bar is via UWP. However the existing WPF project I have runs pretty well and can Hide itself and create its own system tray.
Project in reference: https://github.com/SaadBazaz/XBox360ControllerManager

So I wanted to ask: Is it worth converting the whole code base to UWP? Or should I create an overlay UWP app?
Bonus question: The Xbox Game Bar does not respond to keystrokes I send via InputSimulator in the WPF app. What could be the reason?
You don’t need to convert your app to UWP. You can call Windows 10 APIs from desktop apps. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/desktop/modernize/desktop-to-uwp-enhance
