I’m new to C#, but have Experience with Java, so getting used to the language wasn’t that hard so far. One of the most interesting features of C# (in my opinion) is Linq, i really like the idea of querying in-memory objects and other data sources in the same way, and the SQL-like syntax makes it relatively easy to understand, I’ve had my share of SQL practice in the past.

After reading some of the docs and printing out some cheatsheets, I’d like to gain some hands-on experience, because that’s what I need most of the time to create the right “muscle memory”. I just couldn’t find anything on the web focusing on LINQ, but I’m sure there must be some resources out there – but where?
I don’t know about exercises to help build out queries, but I keep recommending Jon Skeet’s Edulinq Series where he re-implements the basic LINQ-to-Objects extension methods from scratch. It does a great job of making you think functionally, working with delegates, and a handle on deferred execution. It also empowers you to start writing your own LINQ extension methods. (Though you can’t use them for other providers like LINQ-to-SQL.)
Then there’s MoreLINQ which adds a bunch of other useful extension methods to LINQ: https://github.com/morelinq/MoreLINQ
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null reference exceptions
