Humble dude.
All respect to him. Both for making it this far but also for being genuinely honest about past mistakes. If we’re all going to fanboy about PHP being the greatest programming language of all time, we’ll never criticize the parts that are pure shit.
Acknowledging you have a problem is half the work to getting it fixed. #MakePhpGreatAgainFromNowOn
People are congratulating me on PHP 8. That is completely misdirected. @nikita_ppv and @dstogov have been the driving forces behind PHP for years now. Countless others pitch in regularly as well.
PHP 8 is significantly better because it contains a lot less of my code.
posted by @rasmus
(Github) | (What’s new)
PHP is one of the web’s unsung heroes although Rasmus maybe humble that vestiges of his work have been improved on, let’s take a moment to appreciate how easy and powerful a language it’s been for web development, for so many years..
I came to PHP after very early web development with Java servlets and JSP It was night and day terms productivity when I switched to PHP. . Haven’t found a better language for this purpose since.
Strongly recommend you look into Elixir/Phoenix. I am using both PHP and Elixir, and both are great to have in my toolstack
I might be the crazy but PHP ain’t too bad when used as a scripting language either.
I’m replying to whoever just deleted their comment about GDScript/Python:
The first one is:
The second one is:
so it’s pretty close imo.
GDscript is close to python, but it’s not exact and I’m sure there’s other small stuff you can’t do quite as well.
A humble dane 🙂