Cruise ship musicians generally get better cabins than most crew. Some are entitled to their cabin, In some cases, they actually get a passenger cabin. 

Krista Jocelyn, who works as a singer on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas, recently shared a walkthrough of her current cabin. She introduced the video on her YouTube page.

“I hope you enjoy this very cheesy cabin tour! Hoping Architectural Digest calls soon,” she wrote. 

Jocelyn shares the cabin with her boyfriend, Robert.

Take a tour of a Royal Caribbean crew cabin


Hi YouTube, welcome to my cabin! Welcome to my cabin here on Freedom of the Seas. This is probably one of my favorite cabins I’ve ever had. That would be because of the porthole, which we will get to.

We’ll talk all about the porthole in a second, but let’s start over here by the bedroom.This is our bedroom area. The whole thing is a bedroom, but this is actually like a bunkbed and it comes down.

I need you guys to let me know what you think of this pink wallpaper. It was here when we got here. We did not put it up.

Robert is not a fan of it, but I think that without it, it’ll just be really plain, so I need youguys to kind of vote on if you like the pink wallpaper. Or if it’s just too much. Or if it’s too much.

Also, this pink blanket was here, as well as this pink pillow. I have my pink pillow case, as well. It’s pretty pink in here. Pretty in pink. A lot of people also thought that this was a twin bed. I think in the video, it looks smaller than it is. It’s actually a full. 

Somebody asked if we’re ever going to use the bunk bed. Robert, are we ever going to use the bunk bed? I’m sure. It’s a small space. Robert is six foot. He’s tall and yeah, so it’s kind of nice to have our own space sometimes.

But so far, we have not used the bunk bed. But if we have somebody come and visit us, they can stay with us and sleep in the bunk bed, which is nice. 

How did this cabin get assigned?

So how are the rooms assigned? Do singers always get their own cabin? So within the cast, we have featured vocalists, lead vocalists, and dancers. And dancers always share. So they are double occupancy, and they usually share together. And then lead vocalists are also double occupancy, and we would also share with the dancer.

But featured vocalists, which is what Robert is, he gets his own cabin. And so if you’veseen any of my other cabin tour videos, and you’re like, wow, that’s a really nice cabin,it’s because of Robert. If you’re new to the channel, and you don’t know, Robert is myboyfriend and cameraman.

Over here is our little Polaroid wall. I have our little light here as well. I have my Kindleand my mouth tape here. You know the trend of taping your mouth? I got on the trend, and so I’ve been taping my mouth every night. How do they decide who rooms together? 

Within the cast, dancers are usually together. And then if there’s like an uneven number, like since I live with Robert, there was an uneven number of girls.One of the other girls would potentially have to live with maybe an ice skater orsomeone else in the entertainment department. 

But then other departments, usually you’re living with somebody in your department. So if you’re in bar, you’ll live with someone in bar. Housekeeping, housekeeping. And how do you decide for us? Oh, you get to choose who you want to room with. 

So we go to rehearsals for six weeks in Miami. We get to know each other a little bit, and then you can decide who you want to live with before you get to the ship. 

What can you have in your cabin?

Okay, let’s move on over here to our snack area. Got some more Polaroids here.This, I call it the Beetlejuice wallpaper, was here. But I kind of like it here. It kind of has a vibe.

Here we’ve got some salty caramel and vanilla syrups that we can make beverages. And then we also have a little bit of whiskey. Can you bring food and alcohol on board? You cannot bring alcohol on board, but you can buy it in the crew bar.And you can buy bottles as well, so that’s where we got these. 

And then as far as food goes, you can’t bring outside food from a restaurant. So if it’s in a to-go box, you can’t bring that. But you can bring non-perishable things on board. So chips, drinks, other non-perishable things. Snack things, yeah.

Down here, we’ve got our little cupboard of food. We just have liquid IV, peanut butter,and just other non-perishable snacks down here. Right over here as well in this littlecupboard, we also have a refrigerator.

What’s in here? When we moved in, the last person left four little mini fireball shots. Ipersonally will not drink these. Will you drink these? Maybe.

I don’t know. We have just a couple of beverages in here, some soda, and two of ourcups that we’re trying to keep ice in for as long as possible. I already used it all.Oh, why’d you keep the cup in here? And then we have some…Alex, switch. Ourperishable. 

Moving on, up here we’ve got all of our glassware. I’m a little bit nervous if there’s a really rough night, if it’ll be okay up here, but so far it’s been good. 

Every room has a TV. This TV has all of the guest channels on it, which isreally nice. I don’t think we’ve ever had that before. I had it on Seabourn, but I thought yeah. 

Here on the TV, it was kind of funny when we first moved in, it kept saying hello Anna and Robert, and I was like…Who’s Anna? Who’s Anna? We have like videos on demand, live TV.

They are not showing the Olympics right now, which is upsetting, but it’s nice to justhave a couple of options if you just want to throw something on. 

Do you have a room steward? 

Robert being a featured singer, does get a room steward. They come I thinkevery other day, and what they do is they’ll make the bed, change the sheets, give younew towels, toilet paper, they vacuum, and I think that’s it.

But not every crew member gets a room steward, at least here on Royal. On other cruise lines that I’ve worked on, the whole cast got cabin service, so it just depends on the line, but here it is just the featured vocalists. People in the cast who don’t get their room serviced, they can go down to the linen closet, I guess, or like the main laundry to get new sheets and towels and toilet paper, and then there’s also cleaning supplies provided from housekeeping that you can go get if you need to wipe things down, vacuum, things like that.

Moving along to the office area. In here in the mirror, there is storage, so this is allRobert’s stuff, and then over here is all my stuff. I just have like cosmetic things in there, and then down here, Robert has all of his stuff in these drawers.There’s a drawer here, which is just a hot mess with like cords and the iPad and stuff like that.

These are my drawers here. I have like my makeup drawer, my electronics drawerwith my camera and everything, and then this is like my hair drawer, clips, curly iron,and then this little baby top drawer.

I have jewelry and my notebook. Where do you put your luggage? Our luggage is under the bed, actually. It perfectly fit under there.

It might be getting squished a teeny bit, to be completely honest, but our suitcases goinside of each other, so all three of them are tucked inside of each other in there. I have heard of some people being able to put their luggage in the dressing room because we each have our own little station, so you could do that, but we decided to just leave it here under the bed. 

Inside a crew cabin closet

Okay, moving back over here to where we entered. We have the closet, which is actually very spacious, especially for the two of us. I was very, very happy with the closet. So we have a hook here, which we have some bags on, and then this thing, we have to get creative because I don’t really know what it was originally for.

So we have magnet hooks on the inside. Maybe ties? You hang your ties over it? Oh,maybe. But we just have magnets because it’s magnetic, hanging hats.

You always say that, magnetic. It’s just metal. But it’s also magnetic, isn’t it? I don’tknow, probably. We need to buy some more hangers so we can hang more stuff, but yeah, all of our stuff is here. 

We’ve got a little safe. I just throw random things in the safe. Keep them safe. And then down here, we’ve got a bag and some shoes. Are your rooms equipped with life jackets? Oh, of course they are. We’ve got our life jackets up here. Make sure you keep them on top of your closet or else security will call you. 

Safety. Safety will call you, I mean. So we have them up here. We also have our towels up here. Like beach towels, yeah. Make sure your room has a life jacket. Here on the door, again, this wall is metal, not magnetic, and so we hang bags and jackets and hats and stuff.

Also, I’m just pointing out this cute little decor that we have. The last person left this one and that one over there, and it just adds a nice little veinery to it. Oh my god, I didn’t even talk about the porthole.

I just went right over it. Oh my gosh, how could you possibly? Let’s go back over here to the porthole. There’s not too much to say about the porthole besides the fact that we have one, and it’s very exciting.

I’ve never had a porthole before. Robert has had one one other time. Robert likes tosleep in longer than I do, and so having the porthole is really nice because I can stay inthe room and have some sort of light, where in the past, where there was like, it was just pitch black, I would have to leave the room to go do stuff, and now I can stay in here.

So the porthole is amazing. Right here, we just have a little basket. We have somePolaroid film and some cards and some games, and then just some decor, our Polaroid and a little fake flower.

Also up here, we have some lights that the last person left that are super fun. Theychange, so like usually at night, we’ll put the red ones on, and during the day, during the day, we don’t usually have them on, but they’re really nice for night time. 

Your cabin is a surprise

Do they show you your cabin before you board, so you know what to pack? No.So a lot of the times, someone hopefully will know, someone in a previous cast who’sbeen on this ship and can ask for photos or like reference of what the rooms are going to be like. 

I will say most of the dancers’ rooms are pretty standard across the fleet. I’veseen many videos of different people in the, you know, bunk bed cabins, and they’reusually all the same. So if you know that you’re going to be sharing with someone, you could probably assume that your room is going to be like that, but for Robert, his room is literally different on every single ship, so we never know what we’re going to get. 

So the answer is no, unfortunately. What’s one thing you could wish you could change about your cabin but can’t? What? The wallpaper.

One thing I would change, I think maybe a bigger bed. Like a queen at least. A queen,you know, king if possible. Just kidding. But yeah, a little bit bigger of a bed, and obviously just like more space, but I do feel like this cabin has a lot of storage, and I’m pretty happy with it. We do have one other closet, let me show you.

So right over here, we have this very thin, like narrow closet, so we had to fold all of our clothes kind of in a weird way. Robert has his shorts like rolled up in here, but these two top ones are Robert’s, and these two bottom ones are mine, and we just have shirts and things, and then there are three more drawers down there. 

Who is the messy one of the two? The two of us.

A look inside the bathroom

Me. Let’s move on to the bathroom. Very similar from probably other bathrooms you’ve seen on ships.

We’ve got a toilet, we’ve got our shower, which I would step in but it’s wet right now.This is a magnetic shelf, and then this one was just in the shower, so lots of space to put all of our things. Over here, we have two storage little spaces in the mirror.

I will let you guess which one is mine and which one is Robert’s. Yeah, you have to putthings in here that you don’t mind getting like steam and condensation on because,sorry it’s a little rocky today, because the bathroom just like holds in the moisture, so.And then down here, I’ve actually never had this before, you can sit down, which is really nice, adds a little bit of extra storage in the bathroom.

We just have like cleaning supplies, our Tide Pods are down there. Oh yeah, and we have this cute little backsplash in here, which is, it’s just funny. Yeah, this was here when we got here as well.

How does this cabin compare?

How does this room compare to other rooms you’ve had? Compared to our very last one on Enchantment, that was a little bit bigger, but it was similar, like it had a good amount of storage, it was big, it just didn’t have the porthole. And then our one before that, we were on the Pride of America, and we had three beds, all twins between the two of us, so we slept in separate beds the whole contract. 

But it was a nice room, I would say, like. Yeah, it was solid. If it had a full bed, it would have been great. Yeah, I feel like as long as you have a good amount of storage, like I’m happy. I just need like a place to put my stuff, you know? 

The room before that, we were on the Oceana Riviera, and we actually had a guest cabin. It was an inside cabin, but it was luxury. We had a glass shower door, not curtain, yeah. The countertops were granite, we had a beautiful desk, a king-sized bed, we had like the light switches right next to our bed, it was luxury.

I think we do we have that over here somewhere. Light switches? For the overhead light? I thought we- hold on. Yeah. Oh my gourd. And then my very first cabin was the size, like literally this was the floor space. I’m not even kidding, like no floor space.The closet was probably half of this, so just this size. Double bed, or sorry, bunk beds. It was so small.

It’s like if your bed started right here, and you were just like… Yeah. Okay, and that is my cabin here on Freedom of the Seas. Thank you for coming over.

It’s time to go now, so I’ll see you later. See you in the next one. Bye! Bye.