The Samsung Bespoke Refrigerator Family Hub Plus features a large vertically-oriented touchscreen display, ideal for making shopping lists and watching TikTok content. | Image: Samsung

Samsung has unveiled the Bespoke Refrigerator Family Hub Plus, a fancy name for its latest fridge with a built-in touchscreen display. At 32 inches, it features a much larger display than the 21.5-inch screen found on previous generations of the Samsung Family Hub refrigerators, which can be used to control SmartThings-compatible smart home devices, display Google Photos images, make digital shopping lists for Amazon delivery, and watch videos.

Introduced via a Korean-language press release, the Family Hub Plus includes the free Samsung TV Plus service, allowing users to watch 190 TV channels in the US or around 80 channels in South Korea via the Samsung TV Plus app. The display’s vertical orientation also makes it suitable for watching…

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