Psalm is awesome
thanks Vimeo

Hold on, psalm was built by a vimeo dev? That explains why it got popular so fast. The php community usually takes a while before they let another project get love I’ve noticed. So psalm always confused me on its fast popularity.
I mean, I also worked a lot on it in my spare time (and also at work, where I pissed off a few people by working on it instead of assigned projects). I willed it into being, and invested a lot of time in 2018 convincing open-source projects to adopt it.
The contribution graph tells that story, showing how despite a slow patch in 2017 it ultimately it proved its worth and I’m now able to spend more time on it.
Hold on, psalm was built by a vimeo dev? That explains why it got popular so fast
I think it got popular because of its infinite ways of telling people what they did wrong.
And it has LSP support; PHPStorm LSP plugin does have lots of bugs but is still very much worth the trouble; can’t imagine working without it.
Nice write-up, Matt.
Nice article.
I like to add that you shouldn’t just scrap whatever code base you have and rewrite it in something hip & trendy, it is an enormous waste of resources. You should work with what you have.
In most cases you are right, yet I don’t think its a good idea for PHP 4/5 code bases…or even worst…perl
Thank you Matt, this is a great post

As a developer of a major project dating back to PHP 3, I can say that dragging my code forward through each generation of PHP has improved my code alongside the improvements in PHP itself.
Fantastic article, really makes me realise that PHPs detractors are really the uninformed ones!
Nice one, thanks!
Tools are tools. Your end users really don’t care about your tech stack. Just build something people will like.
You don’t understand do you? The right tools ensure best user experience because it helps root out issues earlier (and also help coding in team easier and faster). So yes, the right tools and standards do help.
I’m curious for one thing ng tho. Is Vimeo’s PHP ORM open source?
No, and there isn’t any benefit for us to open-source it either.
I might publish the source of a facsimile I once made, though it would be in readonly form as I have no interest in maintaining that open source project.
This is a great write-up. Thanks! I’m also learning about Psalm now. I do have a question though. Do you automate psalm to run on every commit or pull request? Is that even a thing? I feel like it would be useful for devs I work with (myself included) to have something checking our new code when we make commits.
Or should Psalm be manually run at random intervals?
Yes, it runs on every commit to master and on every pull request commit. It’s reasonably easy to set up such a rule in GitHub actions, if you have access to that.
