There is a discussions on (here) regarding which names ought to be chosen for future additions to the core PHP library.
TL;DR is that currently two functions are being proposed that work for iterables (any and all) and it is not really cool to add them globally, as all php library is currently.

Author of the RFC made two polls: first, second. In the first one it was proposed to add them globally and the winner is iterable_any and iterable_all. The second one is just started and the proposed namespaced versions are (currently) Splany() Splany_value() Spliterable_any().
To this day in our std lib there is only few cases of namespaces (FFICData to name an example). And there is no one shared top-level prefix like C++ library or Java has. So it is not PHPFFI or SplFFI, it is just FFI. To be honest I believe there must be a top-level prefix.

I wanted to know what the community thinks of this precedent?
Which top-level prefix (if any) should be chosen? SplstdPHP or any other.
Should we make three level like Spliterableany rather than Spliterable_any?
I believe a discussion on such a big topic will be beneficial for the community

Spl in the poll symbolises any top-level prefix
I would be ok with copying namespace names from other languages, like “System” or “Std”.
